Ducks Unlimited - World Leader in Wetlands & Waterfowl Conservation
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Help DU Rescue the Duck Factory!

Your dollars will help DU protect some of the most critical nesting habitat in the Prairie Pothole Region.
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Perfect for your favorite waterfowler or anyone who supports DU's conservation mission! Give the gift of a DU Membership today!

Give an IRA Rollover Gift

Consider tomorrow today—make DU part of your long-term financial planning. Give an IRA gift today!

Double Your Dollar for DU

Your employer may double or triple your gift to DU at no additional cost to you. Find out if your employer is on our matching gifts list.


Join the Ducks Unlimited team - become a volunteer! It's a great way to have fun, meet new people and support DU's conservation work.

Gifts of Land

A conservation easement allows a landowner to protect key natural habitats of a property while continuing to use the area for economic gain or recreation. Learn more.

Memorial Giving

Now when you honor the memory of a loved one or friend, you can offer more than just flowers and sympathy. Ducks Unlimited's Memorial Gift allows you to honor the memory of those who have passed on by helping the future of wetlands throughout North America.

Support Our Partners

DU corporate sponsors, product licensees and promotional providers care about DU and its supporters. They make a difference in DU's mission each day. Please support those companies who support DU!

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