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Key Development Data & Statistics

The data presented here are the most widely-used, official-source development data from the World Bank and other international agencies. For additional data and a where-to-find guide, please visit the Data Search page.

Country Profiles
Country profiles are drawn from the World Development Indicators (WDI) database—the World Bank's primary database for cross-country comparable development data. The indicators shown here are also available through an online Quick Query tool that provides free access to a limited set of the WDI Online subscription database.

Quick Reference Tables

Quick Reference tables show the most recent World Bank estimates of total population, gross domestic product (GDP), and gross national income (GNI). The tables include a ranking of countries both by total size and in per capita terms.

Quick Query

Quick Query offers 54-indicators segment of the World Development Indicators (WDI) database. The full WDI Online is available by subscription from Publications.

Specialized data sources


The following are comprehensive sites containing data organized by country:

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Regional Data Highlights

Data Resources