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Congressional Budget Justification, FY 2002


Global Programs

Humanitarian Response

Policy and Program Coordination


Global Development Alliance

International Partnerships


Abbreviations & Acronyms

Wednesday, 29-May-2002 18:53:00 EDT


The central programs advance all four Agency program pillars: economic growth and agriculture, global health, conflict prevention and developmental relief, and the Global Development Alliance. Through these programs, USAID will continue to expand its role as leader, facilitator, and integrator of development assistance worldwide. Central programs:

  • Address specific global issues, such as combating infectious diseases and HIV/AIDS;
  • Set Agency policy directions and advance the Agency's research agenda;
  • Strengthen technical capacity and develop best practices;
  • Apply information technology in support of development and humanitarian objectives;
  • Mitigate conflict and respond to humanitarian crisis; and
  • Oversee P.L. 480 Title II programs.

Four separate, but interrelated, bureaus within USAID manage central programs: Global Programs, Field Support and Research (G); Humanitarian Response (BHR); Policy and Program Coordination (PPC); and Management (M). These bureaus oversee the central program core budget of Development Assistance (DA) $336,200,000, Child Survival and Disease (CSD) $204,400,000, International Disaster Assistance $200,000,000, Transition Initiatives (TI) $50,000,000 and P.L. 480 Title II $835,000,000.

Program Summary (In thousands of dollars)
  FY 1999
FY 2000
FY 2001
FY 2002
Bureau for Global Programs, Field Support and Research 393,291 407,125 470,161 449,700
Bureau for Humanitarian Response 1,484,223 1,098,077 1,272,527 1,164,900
Bureau for Policy and Program Coordination 6,247 8,518 7,262 8,350
Bureau for Management 1,000 1,750 1,397 TBD
Global Development Alliance
[and International Disaster Assistance]
International Partnership    241,150
Totals 1,884,761 1,515,470 1,751,347 1,999,100
