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Acquisition Acquisition Library

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Acquisition Letters

Document Number

Issued Date


V-08-05 07/03/2008 Cooperative Purchasing - Acquisition of Security and Law Enforcement Related Goods and Services (Schedule 84) by State and Local Governments
[Word - 52K]   [PDF - 861K]
V-08-04 06/10/2008 Appendix D Amended 09-10-08 - Modification of June 08 Cutoff Memo
[Word - 109K]   
V-08-04 06/10/2008 Interagency agreements -- Acceptance and Obligation of Funds
[Word - 109K]   [PDF - 1,123K]
V-08-03 04/14/2008 GSA Green Procurement Program
[Word - 71K]   [PDF - 299K]
V-08-02 04/07/2009 Implementation of DoD Class Deviation -- New Specialty Metals Restrictions, Berry Amendment
[Word - 64K]   [PDF - 2,349K]
V-08-01 02/26/2008 Jurisdiction of the GSA Ombudsman on ID/IQ Contracts Awarded by GSA
[PDF - 157K]
V-07-02_Supp1 11/27/2007 New DoD Deviation for Specialty Metals Contracting Requirements for Assisted Acquisitions Using DoD Funds
[Word - 61K]   [PDF - 276K]
V-06-03 03/07/2006 Suspension of the Price Evaluation Adjustment for Small Disadvantaged Businesses
[Word - 27K]   [PDF - 177K]
V-06-02 02/03/2006 Applicability of Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 12 to GSA Contracting Activities
[Word - 34K]    [PDF - 6667K]
V-06-01 01/09/2006 Transfer of Contracts to FEMA
[Word - 57K]   [PDF - 609K]
V-05-23 12/22/2005 Use of GSA Form 300 for the Acquisition of Utility Services
[Word - 50K]   [PDF - 307K]
V-05-22 N/A Not Issued
V-05-20 N/A Not Issued
V-05-19 09/29/2005

Class GSAM Deviation Applicable to Leasehold Interests in Real Property in Support of Hurricane Katrina Rescue and Relief Efforts
[Word - 74K]  [PDF - 86K]

V-05-18 N/A Not Issued
V-05-17_Supp3 12/28/2005

Class Deviation Applicable to Acquisition for Hurricane Katrina Rescue and Relief Efforts - Supplement 3
[Word - 51K]  [PDF - 185K]

V-05-17_Supp2 11/07/2005

Class Deviation Applicable to Acquisition for Hurricane Katrina Rescue and Relief Efforts - Supplement 2
[Word - 79K]  [PDF - 94K]

V-05-17_Supp1 10/14/2005

Class Deviation Applicable to Acquisition for Hurricane Katrina Rescue and Relief Efforts - Supplement 1
[Word - 54K  ] [PDF - 60K]

V-05-17 09/16/2005

Class Deviations Applicable to Acquisitions for Hurricane Katrina Rescue and Relief Efforts
[Word - 195K]    [PDF - 3107K]

V-05-15 07/18/2005

Fiscal Year 2005 Cut-off Dates for Assisted Acquisitions
[Word - 67K]    [PDF - 626K]

V-05-14 07/12/2005

Protests Tracking System
[Word - 94K]    [PDF - 551K]

V-05-13 06/27/2005

Training Requirements for Realty Leasing Contracting Officers
[Word - 108K]    [PDF - 185K]

V-05-12 Supplement 3 06/06/2008 Socio-Economic Programs Under Schedules
[Word - 44K][PDF - 54K]
V-05-12 Supplement 2 07/03/2007 Socio-Economic Programs Under Schedules
[Word - 44K] [PDF - 54K]
V-05-12 Supplement 1 06/02/2006 Socio-Economic Programs Under Schedules
[Word - 73K] [PDF - 31K]
V-05-12 06/06/2005

Socio-Economic Programs Under Schedules
[Word - 44K]    [PDF - 288K]

Supplement 2

Exclusion of Leases or Leasehold Interests in Real Property from the Use in Performance-Based Contracting
[N/A - 27K]   [PDF - 41K]

Supplement 1

Exclusion of Leases or Leasehold Interests in Real Property from the Use in Performance-Based Contracting
[Word - 27K]    [PDF - 41K]

V-05-11 06/06/2005

Exclusion of Leases or Leasehold Interests in Real Property from the Use in Performance-Based Contracting
[Word - 16K]    [PDF - 275K]

V-05-10 N/A

Not Issued

V-05-09 N/A

Not Issued

Supplement 6
10/01/2006 [Word - 26K] [PDF - 43K]
V-05-08 Supplement 5 07/31/2006 Implementation of the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program
[Word - 26K] [PDF - 287K]
V-05-08 Supplement 4 06/23/2006 Implementation of the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program
[Word - 26K] [PDF - 289K]
V-05-08 Supplement 3 06/01/2006 Implementation of the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program
[Word - 26K] [PDF - 52K]
V-05-08 Supplement 2 04/25/2006 Implementation of the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program
[Word - 21K]    [PDF - 98K]
V-05-08 Supplement 1 03/01/2006

Implementation of the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program
[Word - 26K]    [PDF - 99K]

V-05-08 06/01/2005

Implementation of the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program
[Word - 72K]    [PDF - 1072K]

Supplement 1
05/20/2006 Federal Acquisition Regulation Class Deviation - Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans (QASP)
[Word - 23K] [PDF - 53K]
V-05-07 05/20/2005

Federal Acquisition Regulation Class Deviation
Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans (QASP)
[Word - 55K]    [PDF - 274K]

Supplement 1

Purchases on Behalf of Other Agencies
[Word - 27K]    [PDF - 32K]

V-05-06 04/27/2005

Purchases on Behalf of Other Agencies
[Word - 49K]    [PDF - 276K]

Supplement 1

Central Contractor Registration Automation in Pegasys
[Word - 27K]    [PDF - 38K]

V-05-05 05/24/2005

Central Contractor Registration Automation in Pegasys
[Word - 131K]    [PDF - 1440K]

V-05-03 N/A [Superseded by V-05-11]
V-05-02 01/21/2005

Expiration of Price Evaluation Adjustment for Small Disadvantaged Business
[Word - 43K]    [PDF - 294K]

V-05-01_Supp1 12/28/2005 Implementation of Earned Value Management Systems (EVMS) Policy in GSA - Supplement 1
[Word - 62K]   [PDF - 788K]
V-05-01 08/19/2005 Implementation of Earned Value Management Systems (EVMS) Policy in GSA
[Word - 50K]    [PDF - 1080K]
V-04-05 02/11/2005

Purchases on Behalf of Other Agencies
This letter is superseded by Acquisition Letter V-05-06
[Word - 70K] 

V-04-04 N/A [Superseded by V-04-05]
MV-03-03 08/21/2003 Procurement Instrument Identifier
[Word - 41K]    [PDF - 173K]
MV-03-02_Supp1 N/A [Cancelled by MV-04-02]
MV-03-02 N/A [Cancelled by MV-04-02]

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Acquisition Workforce Forum

Edition Format/Size
Acquisition Workforce Forum
16th Edition (Summer 2007)
[Word - 148K] [PDF - 479K]
Acquisition Workforce Forum
15th Edition (Spring 2007)
[Word - 147K] [PDF - 379K]
Acquisition Workforce Forum
14th Edition (Winter 2006)
[Word - 141K] [PDF - 450K]
Acquisition Workforce Forum
13th Edition (Fall 2006)
[Word - 177K] [PDF - 341K]
Acquisition Workforce Forum
12th Edition (Summer 2006)
[Word - 184K] [PDF - 737K]
Acquisition Workforce Forum
11th Edition (Spring 2006)
[HTML - 55K] [PDF - 478K]
Acquisition Workforce Forum
10th Edition (Winter 2006)
[HTML - 85K] [PDF - 939K]

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Applied Learning Center

Name Format/Size
Applied Learning Center Statement of Objectives (v.1.4) [Word - 23K]
Award [Word - 30K]
FAI Competency List [Word - 39K]
Flow Chart [Word - 44K]
Job Descriptions [Word - 68K]

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CAO's Corner

Name Format/Size
GSA Performance Goals for PBC [Word - 23K]
Cost to Industry [Word - 30]

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Construction Brain Trust

Name Format/Size
Construction Brain Trust [PDF - 30K] [Word - 25K] [RTF - 8K] [PowerPoint - 522K]
DoD Construction Requirements [PDF - 1128K] [Word - 125K]

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Contracting Officer Warrant Program

Name Format/Size
Mandatory Training Courses for 1102s (Adopted 9-1-00) [HTML - 5K]
List of Equivalent Courses for Contracting Officer Warrant Program and 1102 Occupational Certification Program [HTML - 48K]
Equivalency Between DoD Courses and Current GSA Courses [HTML - 4K]

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Contracting Requirements

Name Format/Size
Statement of Work [Word - 119K]
Pricing Format [Excel - 36K]

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Hurricane Katrina

Name Format/Size
Hurricane Katrina Contingency Contracting Authorities [9/7/2005] [Word - 49K] [PDF - 204K]
FEMA/Katrina Relief
Suspension of the Davis-Bacon Act and the Relaxed Acts in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida
[Word - 113K] [PDF - 1590K]

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Improving the Acquisition Workforce through Training

Name Format/Size
Acquisition Curriculum Information Sheet [Word - 88K][PDF - 208K]
FAI Guide to Acquisition-Related Academic Programs and Courses [Word - 2795K][PDF - 1245K]

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Memoranda and Other Documents

Name Format/Size

Comprehensive Review of the GSAR

[Word - 70K] [PDF - 862K]

Class Deviation-Size of Business

[Word - 187K] [PDF - 108K]
Information Technology Association of America (ITAA)
Comments on GSA's Draft Reorganization Plan
[Word - 24K]
Emergency Procurement Authority [Word - 63K]
Acquisition Workforce Regional Districts
This map depicts GSA's Regional Offices Acquisition Workforce Location.
[PowerPoint - 86K]
Suspension of the Price Evaluation Adjustment for Small Disadvantaged Businesses at Civilian Agencies [Word - 24K] [PDF - 82K]
Professional Services (PS) - Phase II Implementation [Word - 226K] [PDF - 1868K]

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