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Print This Issue - September 2007

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September 2007 issue of Sound Waves
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in this issue:

cover story:
Tar Seeps in the Santa Barbara Channel

California Sea Otter Count Reaches New High

Outreach Upcoming! "A Tale of Two Kelp Forests" Public Lecture

MIT Students Tour USGS Woods Hole Science Center

Coastal-Hazards Research Featured in First USGS Podcast

Meetings Scientists Meet Managers at Coastal Zone 2007

Airborne-Lidar Technology and Applications Workshop

Awards USGS Hydrologist Honored for Outstanding Community Outreach

Staff Upcoming! New Vice President of Pacific Section SEPM Helps Plan Fall Field Trips


September Publications List U. S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Sound Waves Monthly Newsletter

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Updated September 10, 2007 @ 05:21 PM (JSS)