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Volcano/Ice Interaction Workshop

Gjálp, Vatnajökull, 1996, October 12
Click image for enlargement

August 13-15, 2000
ReykjavÍk, Iceland

2 1/2 Day Fieldtrip
August 16-18, 2000

2 Hour Overflight
during Workshop

ice cracks 1996 eruption
Click image for enlargement

Thematic Volume

A thematic volume from the meeting is in press and will appear as a Special Publication of the Geological Society, London. Editors are Dr. J.L. Smellie (British Antacrtic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ET, UK; and M.G. Chapman (U.S. Geological Survey, 2255 N. Gemini Dr., Flagstaff, AZ, USA; Deadline for submissions was 14 January 2001. Contents are expected to be posted April 2002.

Future Plans

A second international conference: Volcano/Ice Interaction on Earth and Mars Workshop II is being planned for 2004, to be possibly held in Vancouver, B.C.

Meeting Information

Abstract Volume

Logistical Information

Overflight Maps and Photos

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