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    The USAID Cuba Program

    Authorized by the Congress of the United States under Section 109 of the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996, the USAID Cuba Program supports the U.S. policy goal of promoting a rapid, peaceful transition to democracy in Cuba.

    The USAID Cuba Program's specific objective is to increase the flow of accurate information on democracy, human rights, and free enterprise to, from, and within Cuba. To achieve this objective, USAID provides grants to U.S. non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and U.S. universities to:

    • Build solidarity with Cuba's human rights activists;
    • Give voice to Cuba's independent journalists;
    • Help develop Cuba's independent libraries;
    • Defend the rights of Cuban workers;
    • Provide direct outreach to the Cuban People;
    • Plan for assistance to a future transition government in Cuba.

    The USAID Cuba Program has…

    • Provided Cuba's independent libraries and the Cuban people with more than 1.7 million books, brochures, newsletters, video cassettes and other informational materials.
    • Distributed more than 120,000 pounds of food and medicine to the families of political prisoners and other victims of repression inside Cuba.
    • Sent more than 10,000 shortwave radios to the Cuban people so they can listen to uncensored international broadcasts.
    • Published, via the internet, more than 18,000 reports by Cuban independent journalists.
    • Funded organizations planning assistance to a future transition government in Cuba.

    USAID Grantees

    Since 1997, USAID has obligated more than $22 million in grants to 25 U.S. non-governmental organizations and universities to implement the USAID Cuba Program. Principal current grantees of the USAID Cuba program are: International Republican Institute, University of Miami; Center for a Free Cuba; Pan-American Development Foundation; Florida International University; Freedom House; Grupo de Apoyo a la Democracia; Cuba On-Line; CubaNet; Acción Democrática Cubana; Carta de Cuba and Georgetown University.

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    Wed, 29 Oct 2003 12:06:51 -0500