Debra Willard William H. Orem 2006 Development and Stability of Everglades Tree Islands, Ridge & Slough, & Marl Prairies spreadsheets Analysis of 209 pollen assemblages from surface samples in ten vegetation types in the Florida Everglades form the basis to identify wetland sub-environments from the pollen record. This calibration dataset makes it possible to infer past trends in hydrology and disturbance regime based on pollen assemblages preserved in sediment cores. Pollen assemblages from sediment cores collected in different vegetation types throughout the Everglades provide evidence on wetland response to natural fluctuations in climate as well as impacts of human alteration of Everglades hydrology. Sediment cores were located primarily in sawgrass marshes, cattail marshes, tree islands, sawgrass ridges, sloughs, marl prairies, and mangroves. The datasets contain raw data on pollen abundance as well as pollen concentration (pollen grains per gram dry sediment). Everglades restoration planning requires an understanding of the impact of natural and human-induced environmental change on wetland stability, and this project focuses specifically on three wetland types: tree islands, the sawgrass ridge and slough system, and marl prairies. Tree islands are considered key indicators of the health of the Everglades ecosystem because of their sensitivity to both flooding and drought conditions. Tree islands also act as a sink for nutrients in the ecosystem and may play an important role in regulating nutrient dynamics. Although management strategies to restore and even create tree islands are being formulated, the published data on their age, developmental history, geochemistry, and response to hydrologic alterations is limited. To address these issues, this project integrates floral and geochemical data with geologic and vegetational mapping activities to establish the timing of tree-island formation and impacts of both flooding and droughts on tree islands throughout the Everglades. 1962 2007 ground condition Complete None planned -81.25 -80.2 27 25 none geology tree islands ridge and slough landscape vegetation pollen marl prairies sawgrass ridge slough biology ISO 19115 Topic Category biota environment geoscientificInformation inlandWaters 002 007 008 012 Department of Commerce, 1995, Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and Their Principal Administrative Divisions, Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 10-4, Washington, DC, National Institute of Standards and Technology United States US U.S. Department of Commerce, 1987, Codes for the identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the outlying areas of the United States, and associated areas (Federal Information Processing Standard 5-2): Washington, DC, NIST Florida FL Department of Commerce, 1990, Counties and Equivalent Entities of the United States, Its Possessions, and Associated Areas, FIPS 6-3, Washington, DC, National Institute of Standards and Technology Broward County Collier County Miami-Dade County Monroe County Palm Beach County USGS Geographic Names Information System Everglades National Park Big Cypress National Preserve Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge Rattlesnake Ridge none Central Everglades SW Big Cypress Water Conservation Area 1 Water Conservation Area 2 Water Conservation Area 2A Water Conservation Area 3 Water Conservation Area 3A WCA1 WCA2 WCA3 none none Debra Willard U.S. Geological Survey Project Chief mailing address
926A National Center
Reston VA 20192 USA
703 648-5320 703 648-6953 location of tree islands cored 1998-2000 GIF Location of transects across ridges and sloughs, Water Conservation Area 3A, Everglades, Florida. GIF Locality of tree islands sampled in Everglades between 1998-2002 GIF Surface samples collected for pollen analysis in southern Florida GIF Map showing core sites through 2007 JPEG Project personnel included Anne Bates, Christopher Bernhardt, Patrick Buchanan, Margo Corum, Julie Damon, Charles Holmes, David Korejwo, Bryan Landacre, Harry Lerch, Marci Marot, James Murray, William Orem, Tom Sheehan, Neil Waibel, Lisa Weimer (deceased), and Debra Willard. Assistance with the previous phase of the project was provided by: Lorraine Heisler, Tim Towles: Florida Game and Fresh-Water Fish Commission. Scientific collaboration and logistic support and elevation and vegetation data from tree islands and guidance in tree-island selection. Fred Sklar, Susan Newman, Tom Fontaine, Ken Rutchey, Yegang Wu, Steve Krupa, Cindy Bevier, Jeff Giddings: South Florida Water Management District. Scientific collaboration and logistic support, elevation and vegetation data from tree islands and guidance in tree-island selection, and data on ground-water/surface water interactions and cores with lithologic description of underlying bedrock Laura Brandt: Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge. Scientific collaboration and guidance on tree-island selection, vegetation data. Tom Armentano, David Jones: Everglades National Park. Scientific collaboration on tropical hammocks in Everglades National Park. David L. Dilcher: Florida Museum of Natural History. Scientific collaboration and vegetational reconstruction and evaluation of Late Holocene CO2 concentrations. MS Excel spreadsheets Willard, Debra A. Weimer, Lisa M. 1997 Palynological Census Data from Surface Samples in South Florida report USGS Open-File Report 97-0867 Reston, VA U.S. Geological Survey Willard, Debra A. 1997 Pollen Census Data from Southern Florida: Sites Along an Nutrient Gradient in Water Conservation Area 2A report USGS Open-File Report 97-0497 Reston, VA U.S. Geological Survey Willard, Debra A. Bernhardt, Christopher E.; Weimer, Lisa (deceased); Gamez, Desire; Cooper, Sherri R.; Jensen, Jennifer 2004 Atlas of Pollen and Spores of the Florida Everglades report Palynology 28 Arlington, TX American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Posted with permission from Palynology and the American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Marshall, Curtis H. Pielke, Roger A., Sr.; Steyaert, Louis T.; Willard, Debra A. 200401 The Impact of Anthropogenic Land-Cover Change on the Florida Peninsula Sea Breezes and Warm Season Sensible Weather report Monthly Weather Review v. 132, n. 1 Boston, MA American Meterological Society Permission to post a copy of this work on the SOFIA server has been provided by the American Meterological Society Orem, W. H. Willard, D. A.; Lerch, H. E.; Bates, A. L.; Boylan, A.; Corum, M. 200302 Nutrient geochemistry of sediments from two tree islands in Water Conservation Area 3B, The Everglades, Florida book chapter Dordrecht, Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers in Tree Islands of the Everglades Sklar, Fred H. and van der Valk, A. (editors) Kloor, Keith 2001 Forgotten Islands report Audubon magazine unknown New York, NY National Audobon Society The article is available online from Audubon Magazine. Willard, Debra A. Holmes, Charles W. 1997 Pollen and geochronological data from South Florida Taylor Creek Site 2 report USGS Open-File Report 97-035 Reston, VA U.S. Geological Survey Willard, Debra A. Weimer, Lisa M.; Riegel, W. L. 2001 Pollen assemblages as paleoenvironmental proxies in the Florida Everglades report Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology v. 113, n. 4 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Elsevier Science B.V. The full article is available via journal subscription or single article purchase. The abstract may be viewed on the Science Direct website by selecting the volume and issue number. Willard, D. A. Holmes, C. W.; Korvela, M. S.; Mason, D.; Murray, J. B.; Orem, W. H.; Towles, T. 200302 Paleoecological Insights on Fixed Tree Island Development in the Florida Everglades: I. Environmental Controls book chapter Dordrecht, Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers in Tree Islands of the Everglades Sklar, F. H. and van der Valk A. (editors) Willard, D. A. Orem, W. H. 2003 Tree Islands of the Florida Everglades - A Disappearing Resource report U.SGS Open-File Report 03-26 Reston, VA U.S. Geological Survey Bernhardt, C. E. Willard, D. A.; Marot, M.; Holmes, C. W. 2004 Anthropogenic and natural variation in Ridge and Slough pollen assemblages report USGS Open-File Report 2004-1448 Reston, VA U.S. Geological Survey Willard, D. A. Holmes, C. W.; Weimer, L. M. 2001 The Florida Everglades Ecosystem: Climatic and Anthropogenic Impacts over the Last Two Millenia paper Bulletins of American Paleontology v. 361 Ithica, NY Paleontological Research Institute in Paleoecology of South Florida, B. R. Wardlaw, ed. Grimm, E. C. 1992 CONISS: a Fortran 77 program for stratigraphically constrained cluster analysis by the mothod of incremental sum of squares paper Computers & Geosciences v. 13, issue 1 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Elsevier Science, Ltd. The abstract may be viewed online at the Science Direct website. The full article is available for purchase from the Science Direct website. Traverse, A. 1988 Paleopalynology book Boston, MA Unwin Hyman Stockmarr, J. 1971 Tablets with spores used in absolute pollen analysis report Pollen et Spores v. 13 Paris, France Museum national d'histoire naturelle Overpeck, J. T. Webb, III, T.; Prentice, I. C. 1985 Quantitative interpretation of fossil pollen spectra: Dissimilarity coefficients and the method of modern analogs report Quaternary Research v 23, issue 1 Amsterdam, Netherlands Elsevier Science, Ltd. The abstract may be viewed online at the Science Direct website. The full article is available for purchase from the Science Direct website. Willard, D. A. 2004 Tree Islands of the Florida Everglades - Long-term stability and response to hydrologic change factsheet USGS Fact Sheet 2004-3095 Reston, VA U.S. Geological Survey Bernhardt, C.E Willard, D. A. 2007 Marl prairie vegetation response to 20th century hydrologic change report USGS Open-File Report 2006-1355 Reston, VA U.S. Geological Survey Willard, D. A. Cronin, T. M. 2007 Paleoecology and ecosystem restoration: case studies from Chesapeake Bay and the Florida Everglades report Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment vol. 5, issue 9 ithica, NY Ecological Society of America The full article is available via journal subscription or single article purchase. The abstract may be viewed at the URL below by selecting the article. Willard, D. A. Bernhardt, C. E.; Holmes, C. W.; Landacre, B.; Marot, M. 2006 Response of Everglades tree islands to environmental change report Ecological Monographs v. 76, n. 4 Ithica, NY Ecological Society of America The full article is available via journal subscription or single article purchase. The abstract may be viewed at the URL below by selecting the article. Langeland, K. 1990 Exotic Woody Plant Control Florida report Circular 868 Florida Florida Coooperative Extension Service Flynn, W. W. 1968 The determination of low levels of polonium-210 in environmental materials report Analytica Chimica Acta v. 43 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Elsevier B. V. The abstract may be viewed online at the Science Direct website. The full article is available for purchase from the Science Direct website. Stuiver, M. Reimer, P. J. 1993 Extended 14C database and revised CALIB 3.0 14C age calibration program report Radiocarbon v. 35, n. 1 Talma, A. S. Vogel, J. C. 1993 A simplified approach to calibrating C14 dates report Radiocarbon v. 35, n. 2 Tucson, AZ University of Arizona Benninghoff, W. S. 1962 Calculation of pollen and spore density in sediments by addition of exotic pollen in known quantities report Pollen et Spores v. 4 Paris, France Museum national d'histoire naturelle Maher, L. J., Jr 1981 Statistics for microfossil concentration measurements employing samples spiked with marker grains report Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology v. 32, issues 2-3 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Elsevier Science B. V. The full article is available via journal subscription or single article purchase. The abstract may be viewed on the Science Direct website by selecting the volume and issue number. Stockmarr, J. 1973 Determination of spore concentration with an electronic particle counter report Arbog v. 1972, p. 87-89 Copenhagen, Denmark Danmarks Geologiske Undersogelse Vogel, J. C. Fuls, A.; Visser, E,; Becker, B. 1993 Pretoria Calibration Curve for Short Lived Samples report Radiocarbon v. 35, n. 1 Tucson, Arizona University of Arizona
not applicable Pollen data from surface samples collected during the 1960s: Column A (the sample ID) refers to the sites listing. Line 1 lists taxa identified in the samples. For lines 2-13, original raw data on total pollen grains were unavailable, so back-calculation from percentages to original counts was not possible. The numbers provided in these lines are percent abundances. For all other samples, the number of grains counted for each taxon was determined by back-calculation from percentages and total grains counted, as provided by Riegel, 1965. Pollen from surface sample collected in 1995 and 1998: Column A (sample ID) refers to the sites listing. Line 1 identifies taxa identified in the samples. Numbers provided for all taxa represent raw counts. Numbers of exotics counted refers to number of Lycopodium grains counted during each pollen count. For each sample, one tablet of Lycopodium grains was added before processing. Each tablet contains 12, 542 +/- 416 Lycopodium grains. Sample weight refers to the dry weight of sample processed. Pollen concentration (pollen grains/gram dry sediment) was calculated using the formula pollen grains/gram dry sediment= [(pollen counted/exotics counted) x 12542]/sediment weight Sampleing site locations were determined using GPS Core Collection and Sampling We collected sediment cores using a piston corer with a 10 cm diameter core barrel. The core barrel was pushed through the sediments until it contacted the underlying limestone at all sites except in Loxahatchee NWR, where peat thicknesses in excess of 2 meters would require alternative coring strategies. After core collection, we extruded sediment from the core barrel and sampled it at 1 cm increments for the upper 20 cm and at 2 cm increments at greater depths. We described sediment lithology as samples were extruded. We dried samples in a 50 deg C oven and subsampled sediments at the base of each core and at 20 cm increments above the base for radiocarbon dating. Bulk peats were dated using conventional radiocarbon datin 1997 Geochronology Age models for the last century of deposition are based on 210Pb (lead-210) and, where applicable, first occurrences of pollen of the exotic plant Casuarina which was introduced to south Florida in the late 19th century (Langeland, 1990). Lead-210 (210Pb) activity was measured by alpha spectroscopy using the method outlined in Flynn (1968) in which 210Pb and its progeny, polonium-210 (210Po), are assumed to be in secular equilibrium. Supported 210Pb activity was determined by continuing measurements until activity became constant with depth. Excess 210Pb activity was calculated by subtracting the supported 210Pb activity from the total 210Pb activity. Accumulation rates were calculated by fitting an exponential decay curve to the measured data using least squares optimization and making the assumptions of a constant initial excess lead-210 concentration (the CIC [constant initial concentration] model) . In pre-20th century sediments, models are derived from linear interpolation between radiocarbon data points obtained on bulk sediment samples, which were calibrated to calendar years using the Pretoria Calibration Procedure (Stuiver et al., 1993; Talma and Vogel, 1993; Vogel et al., 1993). The shorter hydroperiods and shallower water depths on tree-island heads result in seasonal drying and oxidation of sediments. We have noted that radiocarbon dates from tree-island head sediments appear to be artificially old relative to those in the tail and adjacent marsh. Cores collected in the near tail, directly downstream from the head, have radiocarbon dates and vegetational trends that are consistent both internally and with adjacent wetlands. Therefore, we used cores from the near tail as our representative sites to detect vegetation changes on teardrop-shaped tree islands and for comparison with patterns documented in the adjacent marsh. 1997 Analysis of Pollen Assemblages Approximately 0.5-1.0 gram of dry sediment was used for palynological analysis. Pollen and spores were isolated from these samples using standard palynological techniques (Traverse, 1988; Willard et al, 2001a,b). After drying and weighing samples, Lycopodium marker tablets with known concentrations of Lycopodium spores were added to approximately 0.5 g of sediment for calculation of absolute pollen concentrations (Stockmarr, 1971). The samples were first acetolyzed (9 parts acetic anhydride : 1 part sulfuric acid) in a hot-water bath (100 deg C) for 10 minutes, then neutralized, and treated with 10% KOH in a hot-water bath for 15 minutes. Neutralized samples were sieved with 10 µm and 200 µm sieves, and the 10-200 µm fraction was stained with Bismarck Brown, mixed with warm glycerin jelly, and mounted on microscope slides. Raw data for pollen samples are reposited in the North American Pollen Database (NAPD) at the World Data Center for Paleoclimatology in Boulder, CO ( and at the US Geological Survey South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) site ( Pollen and spore identification (minimally 300 grains per sample) was based on reference collections of the United States Geological Survey (Reston, VA) and Willard et al. (2004). Absolute pollen concentrations were calculated using the marker-grain method described by Benninghoff (1962). Marker tablets of Lycopodium spores were the source of the exotic grains, and the quantity of Lycopodium spores in the marker tablets was determined by the manufacturer with a Coulter Counter following the procedures of Stockmarr (1973). Absolute pollen concentration was calculated using the formula (Maher, 1981): Pconc=RM/V, Where: Pconc = pollen per gram dry sediment; R=pollen grains counted/marker grains counted; M=marker grains added; V=dry weight of sediment Our interpretations of past plant communities are based on the quantitative method of modern analogs (Overpeck et al., 1985). We calculated squared chord distance (SCD) between down-core pollen assemblages and a suite of 197 surface samples collected throughout southern Florida in the early 1960s and 1995-2002 (Willard et al., 2001b and this research) to define the similarity between each fossil and modern pollen assemblage. Internal comparison among surface samples from ten vegetation types indicates that samples with SCD values < 0.15 may be considered close analogs (Willard et al., 2001b). If analogs were present for a fossil assemblage, we identified the source vegetation for the fossil assemblage as one of the twelve types represented in the modern database. We divided cores into pollen zones based on a combination of visual inspection, objective zonation using CONISS (Grimm, 1992), and modern analogs. 2007 Debra A Willard U.S. Geological Survey mailing address
926A National Center
Reston VA 20192
703 648 5320 703 648 6953
Everglades tree islands, Ridge and Slough system, marl prairies Point Point 209 0.1 0.1 Degrees, minutes, and decimal seconds North American Datum of 1983 Geodetic Reference System 80 6378137 298.257 The data for each collection site include the sample id and raw abundance data for each species identified. In the 1960s dataset, raw abundance was back-calculated from percentage data because original raw data was unavailable. The data for the 1990s dataset include the sample number and map ID and percent abundance for each species. See the individual datasets for the species found at the sites. USGS personnel Heather S.Henkel U.S. Geological Survey mailing address
600 Fourth St. South
St. Petersburg FL 33701 USA
727 803-8747 ext 3028 727 803-2030
South Florida pollen data The data have no implied or explicit guarantees MS Excel unknown Each file contains data for a specific time period Excel files for pollen data from the 1960's and 1990's, 2001 and 2002 are available from the SOFIA website. none
20080428 Heather Henkel U.S. Geological Survey mailing and physical address
600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg FL 33701 USA
727 803-8747 ext 3028 727 803-2030
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