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Metadata & Data: Bathymetry   Imagery   Magnetics   Metadata   Meters   Navigation   Samples   Seismic   bath (GE GM)   imag (GE GM)   meter (GE GM)   nav (GE GM)   samp (GE GM)   times (GE GM)  
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ID S-8-78-WG
Abstract United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California. Chief Scientists: Arnold Bouma, Monty Hampton. Geological and Geophysical data (12khz, 3dot5khz, gravmag, sparker, uniboom, sidescansonar, underwatertelevision, samples, shortcore, underwatercamera, Hydroproducts, tempsalinometer, integratednavigation, miniranger, transitsatellite, gravitycore, Soutargrab, minisparker, airgun) of field activity S-8-78-WG in Western Gulf of Alaska from 08/02/1978 to 08/22/1978
Organization United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
Chief Scientist Arnold Bouma
Monty Hampton
Activity Type Geological and Geophysical
Platform Sea Sounder
Area of Operation
Western Gulf of Alaska
Location map S-8-78-WG location map of where navigation equipment operated
Bounding Coordinates 59.81996
-153.95840    -147.54028
Ports leave Homer, AK
arrive Homer, AK
leave Homer, AK
arrive Kodiak, AK
Dates 08/02/1978 (JD 214) to 08/22/1978 (JD 234)
Analog Materials list
Index map

S-8-78-WG map of where navigation equipment operated

Glen Barker Mechanical Technician
Arnold Bouma Chief Scientist, USGS Western Region
Mike Boyle Electronics Technician, USGS Western Region
Ed Clukey Geologist, USGS Western Region
Rod Combellick Geologist
Rich Garlow Navigator, USGS Western Region
Louis Garrison Geologist, USGS Corpus Christi
Helen Gibbons Navigator, USGS Western Region
Monty Hampton Chief Scientist, USGS Western Region
Dave Kestly Geologist
John Laingor Chief Mate
Bob Orlando Navigator, USGS Western Region
Bob Patrick Electronics Technician, USGS Western Region
Mel Rappeport Geologist
George Redden Geologist
Dave Rubin Geologist, USGS Western Region
Dwight Sangrey Geologist
Bill Schwab Geologist, USGS
Ken Simpson Ship Captain
Bill Soule Chief Engineer
Phyllis Swenson Dafe Curator
Mike Torresan Geologist, USGS Western Region
Bruce Turner Geologist
John Whitney Geologist
Equipment Used
NGDC Overview
! Converted to time format with year at start.
MCG Data Collection ID --- S878WG
Institution Data Collection ID --- S878WG
NGDC ID --- 06110026
Funding --- (unspecified)
Project, Cruise & Leg --- Monty Hampton
Study region --- +60.00000,+55.00000,-154.00000,-147.00000
Chief Scientist(s) --- Arnold Bouma
Name of vessel --- Sea Sounder (surface ship)
Date field data collection started --- 08/02/78 LV HOMER, AK
Date field data collection ended --- 08/22/78 AR KODIAK, AK
Parameters surveyed ---
Bathymetry: surveyed, contained in data file
Magnetics: (unspecified)
Gravity: (unspecified)
High-resolution seismics: (unspecified)
Deep penetration seismics: (unspecified)
Format --- (I1,A8,F5.2,4I2,F5.3,F8.5,F9.5,I1,F6.4,F6.1,I2,i1,3F6.1,I1,F5.1,F6.0,F7.1,F6.1,F5.1,A8,4I1)
Date of data input to NGDC --- 11/30/90
Contributing institution --- USGS Branch of Pacific Marine Geology
Country --- United States
Navigation instrumentation --- (unspecified)
Position determination method --- (unspecified)
Bathymetry instrumentation --- 12 KHZ BATHY 3.5 KHZ BATHY
Additional forms of bathymetric data --- (unspecified)
General rate of bathymetry in file --- 1.1 minutes
General collection rate of bathymetry --- (unspecified)
Assumed sound velocity --- 1463.0 m/sec
Bathymetric datum code --- No correction applied (sea level)
Bathmetry interpolation scheme --- (unspecified)
Magnetics instrumentation --- GRAVITY WITH MAGNETICS
Additional forms of magnetics data --- (unspecified)
General rate of magnetics in file --- (unspecified)
General collection rate of magnetics --- (unspecified)
Magnetic sensor tow distance --- (unspecified)
Magnetic sensor depth --- (unspecified)
Two sensor horizontal separation --- (unspecified)
Residual magnetics reference field --- (unspecified)
Method of applying residual field --- (unspecified)
Gravity instrumentation --- (unspecified)
Additional forms of gravity data --- (unspecified)
General rate of gravity in file --- (unspecified)
General collection rate of gravity --- (unspecified)
Theoretical gravity formula --- (unspecified)
Reference system --- (unspecified)
Corrections applied --- (unspecified)
Starting land tie --- (unspecified)
Ending land tie --- (unspecified)
Seismic instrumentation --- SPARKER SYSTEM
Formats of seismic data --- (unspecified)
Hampton, M.A., Bouma, A.H., Torresan, M.E., and Colburn, I.P., 1978, Analysis of microtextures
on quartz sand grains from lower Cook Inlet, Alaska: Boulder, CO, Geology, v. 6, no. 2,
p. 105-110.

Bouma, A.H., Hampton, M.A., Frost, T.P., Torresan, M.E., Orlando, R.C., and Whitney, J.W.,
1978, Bottom characteristics of Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File
Report 78-236, 93 p.

Bouma, A.H., Hampton, M.A., Whitney, J.W., and Noonan, W.G., 1978, Physiography of lower
Cook Inlet, Alaska:U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-728, 13 p.

Bouma, A.H., and Hampton, M.A., 1978, High resolution seismic profiles, side scan sonar
records, and sampling locations from lower Cook Inlet and Kodiak Shelf, R/V SEA SOUNDER
cruise S7-77-WG, September-October 1977: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
78-727, 25 p.

Hampton, M.A., and Bouma, A.H., 1978, Generalized thickness map of unconsolidated surficial
sedimentary units, Kodiak Shelf, western Gulf of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
78-729, 5 p., 5 sheets.

Hampton, M.A., Bouma, A.H., Frost, T.P., and Colburn, I.P., 1979, Volcanic ash in surficial
sediments of the Kodiak shelf; an indicator of sediment dispersal patterns: Marine Geology,
v. 29, no. 1-4, p. 347-356.

Bouma, A.H., Hampton, M.A., Rappeport, M.L., Whitney, J.W., Teleki, P.G., Orlando, R.C.,
and Torresan, M.E., 1978, Movement of sand waves in lower Cook Inlet, Alaska: Offshore
Technology Conference Proceedings, no. 10, v. 4, p. 2271-2284.

Magoon, L.B., Bouma, A.H., Fisher, M.A., Hampton, M.A., Scott, E.W., and Wilson, C.L., 1979,
Resource report for proposed OCS sale no. 60, lower Cook Inlet-Shelikof Strait, Alaska: U.S.
Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-600, 38 p.

Whitney, J.W., Noonan, W.G., Thurston, D., Bouma, A.H., and Hampton, M.A., 1979, Lower Cook Inlet,
Alaska; do those large sand waves migrate?: Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, no. 11,
v. 2, p. 1071-1082.

Bouma, A.H., Rappeport, M.L., Orlando, R.C., Cacchione, D.A., Drake, D.E., Garrison, L.E.,
and Hampton, M.A., 1979, Bedform characteristics and sand transport in a region of large
sand waves, lower Cook Inlet, Alaska: Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, no. 11,
v. 2, p. 1083-1094.

Hampton, M.A., Bouma, A.H., Pulpan, H., and von Huene, R., 1979, Geo-environmental assessment
of the Kodiak Shelf, western Gulf of Alaska: Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, no. 11,
v. 1, p. 365-376.

Hampton, M.A., and Bouma, A.H., 1979, Notes on the acquisition of high resolution seismic
reflection profiles, side-scanning sonar records, and sediment samples from lower Cook Inlet
and Kodiak Shelf, R/V Sea Sounder cruise S8-78-WG, August 1978: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File
Report 79-1311, 83 p.

Bouma, A.H., and Hampton, M.A., 1979, Movement of bedforms in the lower Cook Inlet, Alaska: U.S.
Geological Survey Professional Paper 1150, p. 152.

Bouma, A.H., and Hampton, M.A., 1979, Volcanic ash in surficial sediments of the Kodiak Shelf,
western Gulf of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1150, p. 152.

Nio, S.D., van den Berg, J.H., Goesten, M., and Smulders, F., 1980, Dynamics and sequential
analysis of a mesotidal shoal and intershoal channel complex in the eastern Scheldt
(southwestern Netherlands), in Bouma, A.H., Gorsline, D.S., Monty, C., and Allen, G.P., eds.,
Shallow marine processes and products: Sedimentary Geology, v. 26, no. 1-3, p. 263-279.

Redden, G.D., Weliky, K., Kvenvolden, K.A., and Hampton, M.A., 1980, Geochemistry of low
molecular weight hydrocarbons in sediment of the western Gulf of Alaska: Geological Society
of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 3, p. 148.

von Huene, Roland, Fisher, M.A., Hampton, M.A., and Lynch, Maurice, 1980, Petroleum potential,
environmental geology, and the technology for exploration and development of the Kodiak
lease sale area no. 61: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 80-1082, 102 p.

von Huene, Roland, Hampton, M.A., Fischer, M.A., Varchol, D.J., and Cochrane, G.R., 1980, Map
showing near-surface geologic structures of Kodiak Shelf, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey
Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1200, 1 sheet.

Molnia, B.F., Hampton, M.A., Bouma, A.H., Cacchione, D.A., and Drake, D.E., 1980, Alaskan
Continental Shelf sediment dynamics: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1175,
p. 156-157.

Molnia, B.F., Hampton, M.A., Bouma, A.H., Nelson, C.H., Thor, D.R., Kvenvolden, K.A., and
Redden, G.D., 1980, Gas-charged sediments and associated features of the Alaskan Continental
Shelf: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1175, p. 157-158.

Kennett, J.P., Houtz, R.E., Andrews, P.B., Edwards, A.R., Gostin, V.A., Hajos, M.,
Hampton, M., Jenkins, D.G., Margolis, S.V., Ovenshine, A.T., and Perch-Nielsen, Katharina,
1973, Pleistocene-Pliocene biostratigraphy, paleoclimatology and productivity; South Pacific
deep-sea drilling, subantarctic to tropics, in Ninth congress of the International Union for
Quaternary Research; abstracts: Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research,
no. 9, p. 184-185.

Hampton, Monty A., and Kvenvolden, Keith A., 1981, Geology and geochemistry of gas-charged
sediment on Kodiak Shelf, Alaska: Geo-Marine Letters, v. 1, no. 2, p. 141-147.

Hampton, M.A., 1982, Synthesis report; environmental geology of Kodiak Shelf, Alaska: U.S.
Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-0059, 76 p.

Hampton, M.A., 1982, Synthesis report; environmental geology of lower Cook Inlet, Alaska:
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-0197, 55 p.

Hampton, Monty A., 1979, Geological considerations for engineering activities on the Kodiak
Shelf and upper slope: International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic
Conditions Proceedings, no. 5, v. 2, p. 935-949.

Sangrey, Dwight A., Bouma, Arnold H., Hampton, Monty A., Carlson, Paul R., Molnia, B.F.,
Clukey, E.C., Nelson, C.H., and Olsen, H.W., 1979, Geotechnical engineering characteristics
of the outer continental shelf lease areas in Alaska: International Conference on Port and
Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions Proceedings, no. 5, v. 2, p. 963-976.

Hampton, Monty A., 1982, Lower Cook Inlet environmental geology, in Bruns, T. R., ed.,
Hydrocarbon resource report for proposed OCS lease sale 88; southeastern Alaska, northern Gulf
of Alaska, Cook Inlet, and Shelikof Strait, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
82-0928, p. 95-105.

Hampton, M.A., 1983, Geotechnical framework study of the Kodiak Shelf, Alaska: U.S. Geological
Survey Open-File Report 83-0171, 87 p.

Hampton, M.A., 1983, Geology of the Kodiak Shelf, Alaska; environmental considerations
for resource development: Continental Shelf Research, v. 1, no. 3, p. 253-281.

von Huene, Roland, Hampton, M.A., Fisher, M.A., Varchol, D.J., and Cochrane, G.R.,
1980, Map showing near-surface geologic structures of Kodiak Shelf, Alaska: U.S.
Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1200.

Fisher, Michael A., von Huene, Roland, and Hampton, Monty A., 1984, Summary geologic
report for petroleum lease sale 0, Kodiak Shelf, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File
Report 84-0024, 49 p.

Bouma, Arnold H., and Hampton, Monty A., 1986, Environmental geology, in Magoon, Leslie B., ed.,
Geologic studies of the lower Cook Inlet COST no. 1 well, Alaska outer continental shelf: U.S.
Geological Survey Bulletin 1596, p. 11-15.

Hampton, Monty A., Carlson, Paul R., Lee, Homa J., and Feely, Richard A., 1986, Geomorphology,
sediment, and sedimentary processes, Hood, Donald W., and Zimmerman, Steven T., eds., The Gulf
of Alaska; physical environment and biological resources: Seattle, WA, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration.

Hampton, Monty A., 1989, Geotechnical properties of sediment on the Kodiak continental
shelf and upper slope, Gulf of Alaska: Marine Geotechnology, v. 8, no. 2, p. 159-180.

Hampton, M.A., 1993, Comparison of tectonic and stratigraphic control of submarine
landslides on the Kodiak upper continental slope, Alaska, in Schwab, W.C., Lee, H.J.,
Twichell, D.C., eds., Submarine landslides; selected studies in the U.S. Exclusive
Economic Zone: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2002, p. 117-122.
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