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ID A-1-93-GB
Also Known As CRUISE_173
Abstract Appalachian State University. Chief Scientists: Ellen Cowan, Ross Powell. Geological and Geophysical data (7khz, Huntec, sidescansonar, pistoncore, gravitycore, VanVeengrab, GPS) of field activity A-1-93-GB in Prince William Sound, Yakutat Bay, and Glacier Bay, Alaska from 08/17/1993 to 09/03/1993
Organization Appalachian State University
Project/Theme Glacial Marine Sedimentary History
Chief Scientist Ellen Cowan
Ross Powell
Activity Type Geological and Geophysical
Platform Alpha Helix
Area of Operation
Prince William Sound, Yakutat Bay, and Glacier Bay, Alaska
Location map A-1-93-GB location map of where navigation equipment operated
Bounding Coordinates 59.08583
-137.59950    -135.89283
Dates 08/17/1993 (JD 229) to 09/03/1993 (JD 246)
Analog Materials list
Index map

A-1-93-GB map of where navigation equipment operated

Paul Carlson Participating Scientist, USGS Western Region
Jinkui Cai Postdoc Fellow, Northern Illinois University
Jenifer Clark Undergraduate Student, Appalachian State University
Rafael Gutierrez Undergraduate Student, Appalachian State University
Dave Hogg Technician, USGS Western Region
Paul Jones Marine Mammal Observer, Glacier Bay National Park
Rob Kayen Participating Scientist, USGS Western Region
Christen Nall Undergraduate Student, Appalachian State University
Keith Seramur Adjunct Research Associate, Appalachian State University
Graham Standen Operator Of Huntec, Geoforce Consultants, Nova Scotia
Sarah Zellers Graduate Student, University Of Texas
Ellen Cowan Chief Scientist, Appalachian State University
Ross Powell Co-chief Scientist, Appalachian State University
Equipment Used
To characterize seismic facies for interpreting past glacier behavior,
especially during the last glacial maximum. Glacier Bay is the site of
the best documented major marine deglaciation in the world and allows
comparison between glacier terminus stability with changing climate and
marine conditions. Upper Yakutat Bay contains deposits produced by the
surge of the Hubbard Glacier in 1986 and the subsequent outburst flood
from Russell Fjord. Historical records of glacier terminus positions
provide a datum with which the history of this marine glacial system
can be determined from seismic and sedimentary facies.
Cowan, Ellen A., Powell, Ross D., Carlson, Paul R., Kayen, Robert E., Cai, Jinkui, Seramur,
Keith C., and Zellers, Sarah D., 1994, Cruise report; R/V Alpha Helix Cruise-173 to western Prince
William Sound, Yakutat Bay, and Glacier Bay National Park, northeastern Gulf of Alaska,
August 17-September 3, 1993: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-0258, 176 p.

Carlson, P.R., Cowan, E.A., Powell, R.D., and Cai, J., 1999,
Growth of a post-Little Ice Age submarine fan, Glacier Bay, Alaska.
Springer-Verlag, Geo-Marine Letters, 19, p. 227-236.
Got Help? For A-1-93-GB, we would appreciate any information on -- contract, days at sea, dive count, funding, information specialist, information to be derived, kms of navigation, national plan, NGDC Info, notes, owner, ports, project number, scanned materials, seismic description, station count, station description, submersible, summary, tabulated info.


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