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16 Days of Activism – Eliminating Gender-Based Violence

Calendar of Events

The period from November 25 to December 10 is the internationally recognized 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence. The timeframe for activities begins on November 25, International Day Against Violence Against Women and ends on December 10, International Human Rights Day. This 16-day period also highlights other significant dates including December 1, which is World AIDS Day. USAID has organized several activities in Washington, D.C. to raise awareness on this issue:

NOVEMBER 28, 2006
Demonstration of Gender-Based Violence Advocacy Toolkit

Elizabeth Neason, Health Policy Initiative/CEDPA, will lead a demonstration of the recently released Advocacy Kit on gender-based violence, produced under the USAID-funded POLICY II Project. Seizing the Moment: An Advocacy Kit for GBV Policy Change is a practical toolkit that helps advocates and civil society groups use data to build support for increasing resources for GBV programming. It includes a PowerPoint presentation, companion guide, and annotated bibliography to build the case for an improved policy response to gender-based violence. Contact Diana Prieto at for more information.

When and where:
1:00 pm-3:00 pm
USAID Information Center
Ronald Reagan Building
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Mezzanine Level
Room M 18

NOVEMBER 30, 2006
Presentation on Understanding Domestic Violence and its Consequences: Contributions of the Demographic and Health Surveys

Kiersten Johnson, Measure DHS/ORC Macro, will provide insight into the contribution of Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) data and analysis to moving forward the agenda on the elimination of violence against women. Specifically, the presentation will focus on the continuing evolution of domestic violence measurement in the DHS; the logistical and ethical challenges of collecting such sensitive information on a nationally representative scale; what the DHS data tell us about the extent, correlates and consequences of such violence; and how these findings have been used. DHS data are considered the ‘gold standard.' Consequently, when the DHS collects information on domestic violence the data cannot be ignored by policymakers, program personnel or academicians. Contact Diana Prieto at for more information.

When and where:
1:00 pm-3:00 pm
Ronald Reagan Building, 8.07 B/C
NOTE: all visitors must arrive at USAID’s 14th Street lobby by 12:45 in order to receive an escort upstairs. We will only be making one trip; late visitors will not be allowed in. Please allow for enough time to get through outside security before getting to the USAID entrance.

DECEMBER 4, 2006
Panel Discussion on Gender-Based Violence in Humanitarian Settings

The panel will highlight approaches and work from the field that address gender-based violence. Beth Vann will provide an overview of violence against women/girls in humanitarian emergencies. Connie Kamara, American Refugee Committee and Lauren Goodsmith, Communication for Change, will show the video Through Our Eyes, produced by the American Refugee Committee in Liberia. The video is a result of Liberians working together to create videos and audio tapes that are used as teaching tools in their own communities, and as advocacy tools throughout the world to raise awareness about gender-based violence. Doris Bartel, CARE, will focus on lessons learned in building capacity to prevent GBV in conflict and emergency settings, including how to engage men in programs that aim for greater gender equity. Contact Diana Prieto at or Ritu Singh at for more information.

When and where:
1:00 pm-3:00 pm
Ronald Reagan Building, 2.09 D/E
NOTE: all visitors must arrive at USAID’s 14th Street lobby by 12:45 in order to receive an escort upstairs. We will only be making one trip; late visitors will not be allowed in. Please allow for enough time to get through outside security before getting to the USAID entrance.

DECEMBER 4-5, 2006
Training on Gender Violence and Education

Join EQUATE, a project supported by USAID's Office of Women in Development in a day-and-a-half workshop on school-related gender-based violence. The workshop will apply a gender equality framework and other gender analysis tools to this emerging issue. Case studies and other participatory activities will be used to identify types of gender violence, how violence compromises the learning process in classrooms, and how to promote safe learning environments for all girls and boys. The workshop will also provide a forum to network, dialogue and share field experiences that respond to gender violence in existing education programs. The workshop is open to USAID staff, partners and stakeholders interested in knowing more about school-related gender-based violence and how to address it within existing education programs. Space will be limited to 25 participants.

To register, please contact Samantha Greenwald at or via phone at (202) 974-6001, Ext. 100 by November 28.

When and where:
9:00 am-5:00 pm (December 4)
9:00 am-noon (December 5)
Resources for the Future Conference Center
1400 16th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.

DECEMBER 7, 2006
Panel Discussion on the Role of Young Men in Reducing Gender Violence

The panel will highlight programs that work to strengthen the ability of young men to prevent violence against women and form relationships that are based on mutual respect instead of power and violence. Leah Friej, Centre for Development and Population Activities, will focus on a life skills program for adolescent boys in India and Egypt. Nicole Cheetham, Advocates for Youth will provide an overview of strategies for involving young men in reproductive health programs with illustrative examples from international and domestic reproductive health programs. Alejandra Bonifaz, Education Development Center, Inc./EQUIP3, will describe how a cross-sectoral youth project in Jamaica is using the “3 E’s” approach, which focuses on education, example, and encouragement, to foster positive gender attitudes among young men in an inner city community with high rates of violence. Contact Julie Hanson Swanson at for more information.

When and where:
2:00 pm-4:00 pm
USAID Information Center
Ronald Reagan Building
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Mezzanine Level
Room M 17


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Tue, 28 Nov 2006 15:39:57 -0500