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September, 1987, Vol. 110, No. 9

Overview and implications
of the projections to 2000

Ronald E. Kutscher

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has prepared projections of the U.S. economy to 2000. Three alternative projections were developed, based on a range of assumptions which result in high, moderate, and low rates of economic growth. The projections encompass the future demographic structure of the labor force, economic rate of growth and composition of demand, and industrial and occupational composition of employment. The Bureau prepares projections biennially; this latest outlook replaces the projections to 1995, published in 1985.1 This article summarizes the moderate projections of the labor force, economic growth, and industry and occupational employment, and discusses some important implications of the projections. The four articles that follow present the projections in considerably more detail.

This excerpt is from an article published in the September 1987 issue of the Monthly Labor Review. The full text of the article is available in Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document Format (PDF). See How to view a PDF file for more information.

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1 For the last report on the 1995 projections, see the following articles in the November 1985 Monthly Labor Review: Betty W. Su, "The economic outlook to 1995: new assumptions and projections, "pp. 3-16; Howard N Fullerton, Jr., "The 1995 labor force: BLS latest projections," pp. 17-25; Valerie A. Personick, "A second look at industry output and employment trends through 1995," pp. 26-41; and George T. Silverstri and John Lukasiewicz, "Occupational employment projections: the 1985-95 outlook," pp. 42-57.

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