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History of SSA-related Legislation
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107th Congress

  Unless specified in the statute, legislation is effective upon enactment. For full text of legislation visit the website of the Library of Congress.

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PL 107-16 Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (enacted 6/7/01)

Section 203 excludes child tax credits from I&R for SSI purposes for the month of receipt and the following month (section 901 is a sunset provision ending applicability as of 12/31/10); effective 1/1/01 (tax years after 12/31/00).

Continuing Appropriations Resolutions

PL 107-44 (10/1/01 - 10/16/01) (enacted 9/28/01)
PL 107-48 (10/16/01 - 10/31/01) (enacted 10/12/01)
PL 107-53 (10/31/01 - 11/1/01) (enacted 10/22/01)
PL 107-58 (11/1/01 - 11/16/01) (enacted 10/31/01)
PL 107-70 (11/16/01 - 12/7/01) (enacted 11/17/01)
PL 107-79 (12/7/01 - 12/15/01) (enacted 12/7/01)
PL 107-83 (12/15/01 - 12/21/01) (enacted 12/15/01)
PL 107-97 (12/21/01 - 1/10/02) (enacted 12/21/01)
Making continuing appropriations for FY 2002 at FY 2001 levels until enactment of permanent FY 2002 appropriations.

PL 107-67 Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act, 2002 (enacted 11/12/01)

Title I provides $10 million which may be used to reimburse SSA for the costs of implementing section 1090 of PL 105-34 “(involves the expanded use of SSA records for tax enforcement)”.


PL 107-87 DOT and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2002 (enacted 12/18/01)

Section 311 provides that no recipient of funds via this Act shall disseminate information, including SSNs, obtained by a State DMV except as authorized by law.


PL 107-90 Railroad Retirement and Survivors' Improvement Act of 2001(enacted 12/21/01)

Section 103 provides for Social Security benefit payments to be certified by the RRB for certain categories of workers and other effected annuitants, on the basis of either a worker's 10 years of service covered under the Railroad Retirement Act or 5 years of such covered service accrued after 12/31/95; effective 1/1/02.


PL 107-107 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002 (enacted 12/28/01)

Section 519 provides that an employing agency may pay both the employee and government contributions for health care coverage for an employee who is in the reserves and gets called to active duty for more than 30 days; effective for employees called to active duty on or after 12/8/95 and allows an agency to make retroactive payments to such employees for premiums paid on or after 12/8/95.
Section 1111
amends the USC to allow agencies to pay employees hostile fire pay at the rate of $150 per month if the employee was subject to hostile fire or explosion of hostile mines or any other hostile action; effective 9/11/01 (retroactive).
Section 1112 amends the USC to allow agencies to pay for the professional credentials of their employees; effective 12/28/01.
Section 1116 allows civil service, military and foreign service employees to use frequent flyer miles obtained on government travel for personal use; effective for benefits received before, on or after enactment, allowing employees to use miles earned prior to enactment.


PL 107-116 Depts. of Labor, HHS and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2002 (enacted 1/10/02)

SSA appropriations for FY 2002 are made, including payments to the Trust Funds, special benefits for disabled coal miners and SSI (including CDRs). In the Conference Report, $7 million was earmarked out of the appropriation for SSI to fund annual SSA outreach notification to potential beneficiaries of programs designed to assist with Medicare beneficiary cost sharing (note: this provision funds section 911 of Appendix F of PL 106-554).


PL 107-117 DOD and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Recovery from and Response to Terrorist Attacks on the United States Act of 2002 (enacted 1/10/02)

Section 8134 provides that Social Security deemed wage credits for uniformed service members shall not be granted after CY 2001.
Chapter 8 provides SSA an additional appropriation of $7.5 million for emergency expenses to respond to the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks.


PL 107-134 Victims of Terrorism Relief Act of 2001 (enacted 1/23/02)

Provides tax relief for victims of terrorists attacks. Also under this law, victims owe no Federal income or payroll taxes for the year in which they died and the immediately preceding year.
Section 301 provides that nothing in this Act shall be construed to alter or amend Title II of SSA Act.


PL 107-171 Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (enacted 5/13/02)

Section 4116 earmarks up to $5 million for FYs 2003 - 2007 for the Sec. of Agriculture to fund grants to improve the process of applying for food stamps, including coordinating the application and eligibility determination processes for SSI and other benefit programs.


PL 107-174 Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (enacted 5/15/02)

Section 201 requires the agency to pay the amount of any claim, final judgment, award or settlement paid to any current or former Federal employee or applicant in connection with specified anti-discrimination and whistle blower protection complaints.
Section 202 requires written notification by the agency of the rights and protections available to employees, including posting on the agency's Internet site, and training regarding the rights and remedies.
Section 203 requires an annual report to Congress, the EEOC and the AG detailing the number of such cases, their status, the amount of money involved and other information.
Section 204 requires each agency to submit a written statement to Congress, the EEOC and the AG regarding its compliance with the rules and guidelines the law requires the President to issue to effectuate the title.
Section 301 requires each agency to post on its public Web site specified data relating to EEO complaints filed with such agency; effective 10/1/03.


PL 107-198 Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002 (enacted 6/28/02)

Section 2(b) requires agencies to name a point of contact to act as a liaison between the agency and small business concerns; effective not later than one year after date of enactment.
Section 2(c) requires agencies to make efforts to further reduce the information collection burden for small businesses with fewer than 25 employees.
Section 4(b)(1) requires the agency to submit an initial report to the Ombudsman and Congress on: (1) the number of civil penalties assessed; (2) the number of such actions against a small entity; (3) the number penalties reduced or waived; and (4) the total monetary amount of the reductions or waivers by 12/31/03; and Section 4 (2) requires the agency to submit a final report by 12/31/04.


PL 107-206 2002 Supplemental Appropriations Act for Further Recovery From and Response to Terrorist Attacks on the United States (enacted 8/2/02)

Title I, Chapter 11 provides funds to DOT to be used for purposes of coordinating driver's license registration and SSN verification.
Section 1403 includes a rescission of $5,971,000 for SSA and OIG.


Continuing Appropriations Resolutions

PL 107-229 (10/1/02 - 10/4/02) (enacted 9/30/02)
PL 107-235 (10/4/02 - 10/11/02) (enacted 10/4/02)
PL 107-240 (10/11/02- 10/18/02) (enacted 10/11/02)
PL 107-244 (10/18/02 - 1/22/02) (enacted 10/18/02)
PL 107-294 (11/22/02 - 1/11/03) (enacted 11/23/02)
Making continuing appropriations for FY 2003 at FY 2002 levels until enactment of permanent FY 2003 appropriations.


PL 107-252 Help America Vote Act of 2002 (enacted 10/29/02)

Section 244 requires the newly established Election Assistance Commission to submit a report, prepared in consultation with the COSS, not later than 18 months after section 303(a)(5) takes effect, that discusses the feasibility and advisability of using SSNs or other information compiled by SSA to establish voter registration or other election law eligibility or identification requirements; report shall address the matching of relevant information specific to an individual voter, the impact of such use on national security issues, and whether adequate safeguards or waiver procedures exist to protect the privacy of an individual voter.
Section 303 requires each State to create a computerized voter registration list, using a unique identifier developed by the state; also amends the Social Security Act to require the COSS to enter into agreements upon the request of the official responsible for a state driver's license agency to verify the accuracy of certain information regarding applicants (including whether the name, DOB and SSN of an individual provided to the COSS match the information in SSA's records and whether such individual is shown as deceased on SSA's records) for voter registration in Federal elections; effective 1/1/04 except where a waiver applies.


PL 107-275 Black Lung (BL) Consolidation of Administrative Responsibility Act (enacted 11/2/02)

Section 2 transfers responsibility for administration of the Part B of the BL program from SSA to DOL.
Section 3(b) requires the COSS to transfer all property and records OMB determines are related to the BL program.
Section 3(d) exempts cases pending before an ALJ, the Appeals Council or at judicial review from the transfer.
Section 4
This Act shall take effect 90 days after date of enactment.


PL 107-300 Improper Payments Information Act of 2002 (enacted 11/26/02)

Section 2(a) requires each agency head to review annually all programs and activities they administer and identify any that may be susceptible to significant improper payments; applies to the administration of programs beginning 10/1/02 (FYs after FY 2002).
Section 2(b) requires each agency head to estimate the annual amount of improper payments and report them to Congress before March 31 of the following year, with all agencies to use the same reporting method as determined by OMB; applies to budget submissions beginning 10/1/03 (FYs after FY 2003).
Section 2(c) requires the agency to provide with the estimate a report on actions to reduce improper payments for any program or activity with estimated improper payments exceeding $10,000,000 annually.


PL 107-347 E-Government Act of 2002 (enacted 12/17/02)


Section 202(a) requires the head of each agency to comply with this Act to enhance electronic (Internet) access to government information and with all policies and guidelines promulgated pursuant to this Act.
Section 202(b) requires each agency to develop performance measures showing how electronic government enables progress toward objectives, goals and statutory requirements.
Section 202(c) requires each agency to make sure that information remains available to those without Internet access and that availability of information is not diminished for those without Internet access.
Section 202(d) requires that electronic information be compliant with section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 for people with disabilities.
Section 202(e) requires each agency to sponsor activities that use information technology to engage the public in the development and implementation of its policies and programs.
Section 202(f) requires each agency Chief Information Officer (CIO) to participate in CIO Council and monitor their agencies implementation of IT standards.
Section 202(g) requires each agency to submit an annual report to the OMB Director on compliance with this Act and e-government initiatives.
Section 203 requires each agency to ensure its methods for accepting electronic signatures are compatible with the policies established by OMB.
Section 206 directs Federal agencies to improve online access agency information, including information published in the Federal Register and requires agencies to accept public rulemaking comments by electronic means.
Section 208 requires agencies (to the extent practicable) to conduct privacy impact assessments before collecting information, or developing or procuring IT that maintains such information.
Section 209(b)(2) requires each agency head to establish and operate information technology training programs.
Section 209(c) allows for details of Federal employees to non-Federal employers and non-Federal employees to Federal employers for purposes of implementing this Act.
Section 301 requires agencies to provide information security protections commensurate with the risk and magnitude of the harm resulting from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification or destruction of information. Agencies are required to comply with information security standards and ensuring that information security management systems are integrated with agency strategic and operational planning processes.
Each agency is required to develop, document and implement an agency-wide information security program approved by OMB. Each agency to report on its information security activities and perform an annual independent evaluation of the information security program.

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