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Numbers play a fundamental role in key areas of trade negotiations. Perhaps more than in any previous multilateral round of negotiations, tariffs and formulas are at the core of the Doha negotiations.

World Tariff Profiles provides detailed data on the bound and applied tariffs of WTO members. Information on each country's market access is presented in summary tables — allowing cross-country comparisons — and in country pages. These detail the levels of protection for domestic markets and the protectionism encountered in the major export markets.

This year's edition includes more detailed information on “exports to major trading partners and duties faced”, with data provided for agricultural and non-agricultural products. There are also two new technical annexes. The first discusses the new Harmonized System and its impact on WTO members' schedules while the second covers concessions on other duties and charges for all WTO members.

World Tariff Profiles is a joint publication of the WTO, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the International Trade Centre (ITC).

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