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Public Awareness and Water Conservation Project

Leaders: Verne Schneider, vrschnei@usgs.gov

A multilateral track to the Middle East Peace Process began with an organizational meeting in Moscow in 1992. As a result, five working groups were created, one of which is the Working Group on Water Resources (WGWR). The U.S. serves as the Gavelholder of the WGWR, which held its first meeting in March 1992. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has been a participant in the WGWR since inception. The WGWR established four broad agenda items to address some of the critical water issues in the Middle East, which is defined in this context as including Israel, West Bank/Gaza, and Jordan. Under one of these agenda items, a Public Awareness and Water Conservation Project was approved by the WGWR in 1996.

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) initially managed the project. Under their guidance, the Israeli, Palestinian, and Jordanian (Core Parties) prepared a video about water resources in the region. In 1999, Department of State asked the USGS to assume responsibility for the project. The next multilateral project initiated is known as WaterCare, an activity designed to prepare a Student Resource Book on water in the region. A third activity now is being initiated that is focused on the design and implementation of pilot rain harvesting systems in two schools for each of the Core Parties.

map of worldproject locations

Sunset over the Mediterranean Sea.
Sunset over the Mediterranean Sea at Tel Aviv, Israel.

Israeli Arab science teacher.
Israeli Arab science teacher at a school at Abu Gosh, Israel.
Negotiating with Jordanian, Israeli, and Palestinian colleagues.
Bill Shampine (USGS, IWRB, FL) negotiating with
Jordanian, Israeli, and Palestinian colleagues.

USGS Mission
Tie In:
The U.S. Department of State requested the USGS to undertake this activity and has provided close political guidance throughout the project. The project meets the USGS goal of supporting U.S. foreign policy. Partnerships, cooperation, and coordination are critical components of USGS programs. Partnerships are critical to promote solutions to societal issues with integration of science activities with social and economic factors. This project epitomizes integration of USGS science with societal issues--recognition by youth that water is a resource that must be protected and shared for the common good.

Discipline: Water
Locations: Israel, Jordan, and West Bank/Gaza
Web Sites: WaterCare: http://www.watercare.org/
Partners: Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Israeli Ministry of Education
Center for Educational Technologies (Israel)
Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation
Jordanian Ministry of Education
Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (Jordan)
Palestinian Water Authority
Palestinian Ministry of Education
U.S. Department of State
U.S. Agency for International Development

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URL: http://international.usgs.gov/projects/pawcp-main.htm
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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 09-Oct-2007 14:05:39 EDT