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Regional Water Data Banks - Temporal Trends for Water Resources Data


David K. Mueller, mueller@usgs.gov


T he USGS has conceptualized and implemented a variety of technical activities as part of the Regional Water Data Banks Project, a project of the Multilateral Working Group on Water Resources of the Middle East Peace Process. One of these activities led to publication in 2000 of “Temporal Trends for Water-Resources Data in areas of Israeli, Jordanian, and Palestinian Interest”. The publication presents analyses and interpretation of water-resources data compiled by the Core Parties in cooperation with the USGS. Data analysis focused on looking for time-related trends relative to groundwater levels, discharge from springs, stream flow, and chloride and nitrate concentrations in groundwater samples. The time period varies for each measurement, but in general was 1974-98. The work was coordinated by USGS scientists and completed as a cooperative effort among the Palestinian Water Authority, Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation, and the Israeli Hydrological Service. The report speaks to water resources from a regional perspective.

map of world location on map of countries in project

Mediterranean Sea coastline.
Mediterranean Sea coastline.

Roman ruins at Jerash, Jordan.
Roman ruins at Jerash, Jordan.

Water Carrier canal in Israel, carrying water the length of Israel.
Water Carrier canal in Israel, carrying water the length of Israel.


USGS Mission
Tie In
The U.S. Department of State requested the USGS to undertake this activity and has provided political guidance and funding throughout the project. The project supports U.S. foreign policy. The project provided a vehicle for the USGS to test analytical hypotheses in an arid area dissimilar to that found within the United States. The project and ensuing publication makes a major contribution to describing and understanding the Earth in a region where there is little official data available to the general public. This trends analysis will enhance the ability of Regional managers to resolve complex hydrologic issues and demonstrates USGS scientific excellence in the natural sciences

Discipline: Water
Locations: Israel, Jordan, and West Bank/Gaza
Web Sites: http://exact-me.org/

Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Israeli Hydrological Service
Israeli Water Commission
Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation
Palestinian Water Authority
U.S. Department of State


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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 09-Oct-2007 14:05:39 EDT