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International Programs


Ground-Water Research Program for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Leaders: The USGS Team Leader, located in Al Ain, Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates is:
David W. Clark, clarkd@usgs.gov.
Headquarters management is provided by
Verne R. Schneider
, vrschnei@usgs.gov


Since 1988 the USGS has been partnering with the National Drilling Company (NDC) of the Abu Dhabi Emirate to collect information on the ground-water resources of the Emirate, to conduct research on the hydrology of the arid environment, to provide training in water-resources investigations, and to document the results of the cooperative work in scientific publications. During the first decade of the Ground Water Research Program (GWRP), the USGS was responsible for project planning and management, as well as hydrologic research, and in-depth training. Since 1998 the NDC has taken over responsibility for project planning and management.

During it's almost 15 year history scientists working with the program have developed Emirate wide water-level and water-quality monitoring networks, established a comprehensive ground-water database, assessed the resources of the Emirate, and conducted research in a wide variety of topical areas involving the mapping, geology and water disciplines. More than 200 scientific publications have been produced and the local staff have been the lead author on over 60 of these publications. In-country Program scientists and visiting USGS scientists on temporary assignment have actively been involved in providing on-the-job training and mentoring and in conducting formal USGS training courses for the local staff. Additionally, some local staff has participated in training at the USGS National Training Center in Denver.

Currently the USGS provides technical assistance and oversight on all GWRP activities, conducts specific applied research in the areas of water use and availability, ground-water recharge, geochemistry, remote sensing, and GIS applications, and provides extensive hydrologic training to the 50-person local staff.

Three USGS employees are currently posted at the project office in Al Ain, although USGS staff was as large as 8 during the early years of the project. Several USGS scientists have been used on a TDY basis to complete specific technical activities and to serve as instructors at the training events. Funding is provided through the cooperative agreement with the NDC.

map of world#Map of eastern Mediterranean Sea with the island of Cyprus highlighted.

field of peppers, fodder, and dates near Al Hayer
Over the past three decades, farmland in Abu Dhabi Emirate has increased by more than a factor of ten. Crops are grown mainly in sand and are highly irrigated and fertilized. The GWRP is investigating the impact of these farming practices on the quality of the Emirate's ground-water resources. The above photograph shows a field of peppers, fodder, and dates near Al Hayer in southeastern Abu Dhabi. The Oman Mountains, the main source of recharge for aquifers in eastern Abu Dhabi, are in the distance.

Drilling an observation well
NDC personnel drill an observation well in the dunes near Al Ain, Abu Dhabi Emirate. Such wells provide data on the availability of fresh and brackish water in an area of limited ground-water resources.

obtaining field water-quality parameters from a farm well
USGS and NDC personnel obtain field water-quality parameters from a farm well near Al Hayer in southeastern Abu Dhabi. These types of data provide an understanding of changes in ground-water quality associated with farming.

water-quality training class taught by USGS scientists
NDC personnel participate in a water-quality training class taught by USGS scientists at the GWRP office in Al Ain. The training provides the GWRP staff with the latest techniques and equipment to conduct their mission.

Signing the most recent Memorandum of Understanding for the continuation of USGS work in Abu Dhabi.
U.S. Ambassador to the UAE, Marcelle Wahba, and National Drilling Company General Manager, Abdul Al Kindy, sign the most recent Memorandum of Understanding for the continuation of USGS work in Abu Dhabi.
USGS Mission
Tie In:
This project provides technical assistance and advice to the Ground Water Research Project.

Discipline: Water
Locations: The project has three USGS employees living and working in Al Ain, Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates.
Web Sites: None created
Partners: The partner for this project is the National Drilling Company of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


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URL: http://international.usgs.gov/projects/abu_dhabi.htm
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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 09-Oct-2007 14:05:39 EDT