USGS Publications Warehouse

Unverified Reports

Unverified citations This report lists any unverfied citations in the Publications Warehouse. Unverified citations are citations for any publication where there was some information about the publication available but that information could not be confirmed, the publication itself has not been found, and we are not sure if the publication was actually released. Many of the unverified reports were found referenced by other publications as "in press".

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Summary Report


Status Report

Publication Series NameReport NumberPublication TitlePublication YearAuthorStatus
Bulletin530-JContributions to economic geology, 1911, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels: ?191??UNVERIFIED
Bulletin530-LContributions to economic geology, 1911, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels: ?19??UNVERIFIED
Bulletin530-MContributions to economic geology, 1911, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels: ?19??UNVERIFIED
Bulletin530-NContributions to economic geology, 1911, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels: ?19??UNVERIFIED
Bulletin530-OContributions to economic geology, 1911, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels: ?19??UNVERIFIED
Bulletin530-RContributions to economic geology, 1911, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels: ?19??UNVERIFIED
Bulletin1995-ADistribution of Mesozoic elements in the Santa Maria Basin, California1991McLean, HughUNVERIFIED
Bulletin2193National synthesis of environmental effects of historical mining2002Church, StanUNVERIFIED
Bulletin2199GEOLEX: Lexicon of Geologic Names of the United States2003Stamm, Nancy R.UNVERIFIED
Bulletin2200Probability, statistics, and other studies related to the millennial assessment of the World's petroleum resources2000USGS World Energy Assessment TeamUNVERIFIED
Bulletin2205Petroleum systems & related geologic studies in Region 5 North America2000MagoonUNVERIFIED
Bulletin2215Preliminary contributions to the geology, basin framework, and metallogeny of the Nogales and Cananea 1:250,000-scale quadrangles and adjacent areas, northern Sonora, Mexico, and southern Arizona-Gray, Floyd et al.UNVERIFIED
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