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Deaths in Custody Statistical Tables

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Deaths in Custody Statistical Tables
State Prison Deaths, 2001-2006

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Table 11. Average annual mortality rate per 100,000 state prisoners, by cause of death
and selected characteristics, 2001-2006

Characteristic Average annual mortality rate per 100,000 state prisoners, 2001-2006

Illness AIDS Suicide Homicide Drug/alcohol
Accident Other/
     All deaths 207 16 16 4 3   2 3
  Male 213 16 16 4 3   3 2
  Female 122 11 11 1 1   1 2
Race/Hispanic origin                
  White, non-Hispanic 297   9 26 5 4   4 3
  Black, non-Hispanic 163 23   7 3 1   1 2
  Hispanic 153 14 19 6 4   2 1
  Under 18   13   0 31 7 0   7 0
  18-24   12   1 14 3 1   1 1
  25-34   30   7 16 4 3   2 1
  35-44 118 24 16 4 3   2 2
  45-54 493 35 17 5 5   4 4
  55 or older 1,987   24 17 7 4   8 14  
Note: State prison rates are per 100,000 inmates held in custody on June 30. Prisoner demographic subgroups are estimated based on the June 30 National Prisoner Statistics (NPS) custody counts, demographic data from the National Corrections Reporting Program (2001-2004), and the 2004 Survey of Inmates in State Correctional Facilities (2003-2006). Executions are not included; for data on executions, see Capital Punishment, 2006 - Statistical Tables.
Source: Deaths in Custody Reporting Program.
     See also Methodology

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