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Updated 8:00 AM EST, April 15, 2008
 Deployment Statistics        

Philadelphia, Wilmington, Trenton

New Jersey DOT- Traffic Operations Center South - 2006 Survey


1. Total number of arterial centerline miles with real-time traffic data collection technologies (includes CCTV) used to monitor key transportation facilities for security purposes operated by your agency in this metropolitan area: No response


Please enter the current information for 2006 in the boxes provided. We have entered the information your agency provided previously to assist you.
Previous TotalTotal in 2006
2. Total number of signalized intersections operated by your agency670670
3. Number of signalized intersections operated by your agency under closed loop or central system control90172
4. Number of signalized intersections operated by your agency that allow for signal preemption for emergency vehicles2323
5. Number of signalized intersections operated by your agency that allow signal priority for transit vehicles00
6. Number of signalized intersections operated by your agency within 200 feet of a highway-rail intersection that adjust signal timing in response to train crossing to avoid vehicle entrapment00
7. Total number of signalized intersections with automated photo red light running enforcement00
8. Total number of signalized intersections under real-time traffic adaptive control using SCOOT/SCATS or other similar advanced software90172
9. Total number of signalized intersections with electronic data collection capabilities200200


10. Total number of arterial High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) centerline miles equipped with automated lane management technologies (e.g., sensors detecting traffic conditions the use of dynamic message signs and moveable barriers [e.g., gates] to control the operation of HOV facilities) operated by your agency: 0

11. Total number of arterial reversible lane centerline miles equipped with automated lane management technologies (e.g., traffic sensors and lane control signs used to implement reversible flow lanes) operated by your agency: 0

12. Total number of arterial centerline miles under congestion pricing and equipped with traffic sensors, electronic payment, or automated enforcement technologies to support the implementation of congestion pricing strategies operated by your agency: 0

13. Total number of arterial centerline miles equipped with lane control signs, supported by surveillance and detection technologies, to allow the temporary closure of lanes by your agency: 0

14. Total number of arterial centerline miles equipped with variable speed limit technologies operated by your agency: 0

15. Total number of arterial centerline miles equipped with lane management measures such as reversible flow lanes and lane control to support emergency evacuations operated by your agency: 0


Please enter the current information for 2006 in the boxes provided. We have entered the information your agency provided previously to assist you.
Previous TotalTotal in 2006
16. Total number of highway-rail intersections00
17. Total number of highway-rail intersections under electronic surveillance00

18. Does your agency receive information on highway-rail intersection crossing blockages for the purpose of managing incident response?
Your previous response was: No

not selectedYes


Previous Response2006 Response
19. Total centerline miles covered by Hghway Advisory Radio (HAR)130130

20. Is your Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) used to broadcast arterial incident information?
not selectedNo

Previous ResponseIn 2006
21. Total number of permanent Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) deployed on arterials3234

22. What type of information is displayed on your DMS? (Check all that apply)
Checkbox is not checkedTravel time
Checkbox is not checkedAverage speed
Checkbox is checkedCongestion
Checkbox is checkedDiversions
Checkbox is checkedIncident information
Checkbox is checkedMaintenance and construction work site information
Checkbox is not checkedAdvisory speed limits
Checkbox is checkedWeather alerts
Checkbox is not checkedHOV regulatory information
Checkbox is checkedInformation from other states
Checkbox is not checkedTransit operations
Checkbox is checkedRoadway status
Checkbox is checkedSpecial events impacting travel
Checkbox is checkedLocal special events announcements
Checkbox is checkedAmber alerts
Checkbox is checkedPublic Service Announcements
Checkbox is checkedDriver safety campaigns
Checkbox is not checkedParking availability
Checkbox is not checkedOther (please specify):

23. Please check all the methods that your agency uses to distribute information to the public:
Previous Response2006 Response
Dedicated cable TV Checkbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
Automated telephone system Checkbox is checkedCheckbox is not checked
Internet Web sites Checkbox is checkedCheckbox is checked
Pagers or personal data assistantsCheckbox is checkedCheckbox is checked
Interactive TV Checkbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
KiosksCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
E-mail or other direct PC communicationCheckbox is checkedCheckbox is checked
In-vehicle navigation systemsCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
Facsimile Checkbox is checkedCheckbox is checked
511 Telephone SystemCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
Do not distribute informationCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked

24. Please check types of information that your agency distributes to the public:
Previous Response2006 Response
Arterial travel timesCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
Arterial travel speedsCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
Incident informationCheckbox is checkedCheckbox is checked

25. Which of the following technologies does your agency use to distribute pre-trip traveler information? (Check all that apply)
Checkbox is checkedInternet or wireless systems
Checkbox is not checked511
Checkbox is not checkedOther (non-511) telephone systems
Checkbox is checkedTV/Radio
Checkbox is not checkedKiosks

26. Which of the following technologies does your agency use to distribute en-route traveler information? (Check all that apply)
Checkbox is not checkedWireless systems
Checkbox is not checked511
Checkbox is not checkedOther (non-511) telephone systems
Checkbox is checkedRadio
Checkbox is not checkedIn-vehicle systems


27. Does your agency deploy parking management data collection systems that monitor the availability of parking?
not selectedYes

28. Does your agency deploy parking management systems that disseminate parking availability information to drivers?
not selectedYes

29. Does your agency deploy parking fee payment systems to simplify payment for customers and reduce congestion at exits to parking facilities?
not selectedYes


Please enter the current information for 2006 in the boxes provided. We have entered the information your agency provided previously to assist you.

30. Does your agency provide arterial travel time, speed, and condition information in real-time to the following type of agencies?
Previous Response2006 Response
Agencies involved in highway incident managementNoNo
Freeway Management AgenciesNoNo
Arterial Management AgenciesNoNo
Public Transit AgenciesNoNo

31. Does your agency receive, in real-time, arterial travel times derived from vehicle probes from any toll collection agency?
Your previous response was: No

Radio button is not selectedYes
Radio button is selectedNo
Radio button is not selectedNo toll collection

32. Does your agency share, in real-time, timing plans with another agency, coordinate changes to timing plans with another agency, and/or turn over control of signals to another agency?
Previous Response2006 Response
Share timing plans information in real-timeNoNo
Coordinate changes to timing plansNoNo
Turn over control of signalsYesNo

33. Which of the following field devices do you turn over or share control of to/with another agency? (Check all that apply)
Checkbox is checkedCCTV cameras
Checkbox is not checkedDynamic message signs
Checkbox is not checkedHighway Advisory Radio
Checkbox is not checkedDynamic lane assignment

34. If your agency turns over or shares control of any field devices, how is integration achieved? (Check all that apply)
Checkbox is not checkedRegional guidelines
Checkbox is not checkedNon-binding or informal MOU
Checkbox is checkedAgency policy
Checkbox is not checkedFormal legal interagency agreement
Checkbox is not checkedOther (please specify):


Please enter the current information for 2006 in the boxes provided. We have entered the information your agency provided previously to assist you.

Service Patrols:
Previous TotalTotal in 2006
35. Total number of arterial miles patrolled by service patrols55
36. Total number of vehicles operated2424

Please provide the number of miles covered by the following incident detection/verification methods
Previous Miles CoveredMiles Covered in 2006
37. Free cellular phone call to a dedicated phone number other than 91100
38. Computer algorithms7593
39. CCTV350350

40. Are the CCTV images made available to the public?
Your previous response was: Yes

Radio button is selectedYes
Radio button is not selectedNo
Radio button is not selectedDo not know
Radio button is not selectedNo CCTV

41. Which of the following technologies/methods are used by your agency to detect arterial incidents? (Check all that apply)
Checkbox is checkedInductive loop or acoustic roadway detector technologies
Checkbox is not checkedWireless enhanced 911 systems
Checkbox is not checkedMayday or Advanced Crash Notification (ACN) systems
Checkbox is not checkedTraveler reported information

42. Does your agency deploy variable speed systems?
not selectedYes

43. Does your agency deploy speed enforcement technologies on arterials?
not selectedYes

44. Do your agency deploy bicycle or pedestrian systems (e.g., pedestrian detectors, pedestrian activated lighted crosswalks, specialized pedestrian signals such as 'countdown' WALK/DON'T WALK signals and bicycle-actuated signals)?
Your previous response was: No

not selectedNo

45. Does your agency deploy special event systems (e.g., traffic signal operating plans, temporary lane restrictions, traveler guidance, or other measures)?
not selectedNo

46. Does your agency use video imaging to assist with data collection at arterial incident scenes to speed the reopening of travel lanes?
not selectedYes

47. Does your agency deploy temporary traffic control devices, such as portable message signs and lane control signs, to help ensure the safety of arterial incident scenes?
not selectedNo


48. Please check the ITS Standards that you are using (deployed or in current RFP) or considering (assessing for use) in your agency's systems from the list below.
AASHTO-ITE TM 2.1, Standards for Traffic Management Center-to-Center Communications (TMDD) ( is not checkedCheckbox is checked
IEEE 1512 - Family of Standards for Incident Management Message Sets ( is not checkedCheckbox is checked
SAE J2354 - Message Set for Advanced Traveler Iinformation System (ATIS) ( is not checkedCheckbox is checked
APTA TCIP Dialogs - Transit Communications Interface Profile ( is not checkedCheckbox is checked

49. Please check the equipment packages (from the list below) defined in the ATIS1-Broadcast Traveler Information Market Package that are featured in your Regional ITS Architecture (if any).
Checkbox is checkedBasic Information Broadcast
Checkbox is checkedISP Traveler Data Collection
Checkbox is not checkedPersonal Basic Information Reception
Checkbox is not checkedRemote Basic Information Reception
Checkbox is not checkedBasic Vehicle Reception


Please provide the following information about your Traffic Operations Center (TOC) or Transportation Management Center (TMC).

50. Center name: Traffic Operations Center - South

51. Center location (address):
One Executive Center Rt. 70 West Cherry Hill NJ 08002-4123

52. What is the geographical area of coverage or area of responsibility?
10 southern NJ Counties - Mercer, Monmouth and South

53. Which of the following items describe the functional capabilities of your TOC/TMC? (Check all that apply)
Checkbox is checkedNetwork or roadway surveillance and data collection
Checkbox is checkedIncident management (e.g., detection, verification and monitoring of incident status)
Checkbox is checkedInformation dissemination to other agencies (public, private and/or interagency)
Checkbox is not checkedEn-route driver information (dynamic message signs, highway advisory radio, in-vehicle systems)
Checkbox is not checkedEnvironmental monitoring (e.g., air quality, noise and weather)
Checkbox is checkedSpecial event traffic management
Checkbox is checkedEvacuation management and traffic coordination
Checkbox is not checkedEmergency services traffic control coordination
Checkbox is not checkedRamp management and control
Checkbox is not checkedLane management and control (e.g., HOV, reversible lanes)
Checkbox is checkedCorridor management/traffic signal coordination or control
Checkbox is checkedNetwork performance monitoring, evaluation and reporting
Checkbox is not checkedRoad Weather Management
Checkbox is not checkedOther (please specify):

54. Select the 3 most important factors in making a decision to invest in a TOC/TMC from the list below. Please rank your choices using a scale of 1-3 where 1 = most important.
Order of Importance
Agency cost savings
Incident management1
Voter or customer satisfaction
Improved environment
Improved travel reliability2
Improved safety3
Evacuation management
Other (please specify):

55. What tools, resources, or support mechanisms are most helpful for implementing ITS standards? (Check all that apply)
Checkbox is checkedTraining courses
Checkbox is checkedPublished standards provided for free
Checkbox is checkedWorkshops
Checkbox is checkedWeb sites
Checkbox is checkedForums
Checkbox is checkedE-Mail bulletins
Checkbox is checkedSoftware tools
Checkbox is checkedCase studies
Checkbox is checkedPeer to peer
Checkbox is checkedGuidance documents
Checkbox is not checkedOther (please specify):

56. Select the 3 most effective methods in persuading the public to support deployment of your TOC/TMC from the list below. Please rank your choices using a scale of 1-3 where 1 = most effective.
Order of Effectiveness
Open meetings with the public
Contractor provided briefings
Emergency situation3
Public involvement
Newspaper articles and other local media (e.g., radio, TV)2
Scanning tours for elected officials1
On-line message boards
Other (please specify):

57. Approximately what percentages of the following funding sources are used to finance ongoing TOC/TMC operations?
Local (including toll revenue)
Other (please specify):

58. What methods (e.g., the use of a common technology) has your agency employed to facilitate interoperability with other agencies? (Check all that apply)
Checkbox is checkedUse of ITS standards
Checkbox is not checkedPurchase of the same hardware
Checkbox is not checkedPurchase of the same software
Checkbox is not checkedUse of contractor developed interface
Checkbox is not checkedDevelopment of regional standards
Checkbox is not checkedOther (please specify):

59. What measures have you used to manage the potential for technological obsolescence of your TOC/TMC technology? (Please describe)
No response

60. Select the 3 most important legal issues involved with making a decision to deploy a TOC/TMC from the list below. Please rank your choices using a scale of 1-3 where 1 = most important.
Order of Importance
Rules and regulations1
Contract disputes and claims
Intellectual property
Other (please specify):

61. Select the 3 most effective methods for recruiting TOC/TMC personnel from the list below. Please rank your choices using a scale of 1-3 where 1 = most effective.
Order of Effectiveness
College outreach
Advertising in local media
Recruiting services
Notices in trade publications
Other (please specify):
     In-house (NJ DOT)