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Developing a B&B Network in Armenia

In March of 2003, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Foley, Bed & Breakfast (B&B) owners from the state of Maine, USA, traveled to Armenia to conduct a series of training sessions, consisting of one-on-one consultations with Armenian B&B owners. Begun in August of 2002, the B&B training was part of USAID’s effort to assist the government of Armenia to develop its tourism and hospitality industry in rural areas in order to raise the standard of living in these communities, create new jobs, and increase the financial security of regional residents. As International Executive Service Corps (IESC) volunteers, the Foleys presented lessons learned from their own experience as B&B owners in the US. They shared their knowledge and skills in operating their own B&Bs by offering suggestions about internal design, facilities, and services pricing issues, and marketing of B&Bs in Armenia. The Foleys recommended ways for the local B&Bs to establish relationships with local travel agencies and international organizations, which could be viewed as potential clients. In addition, information about the B&Bs operating in Armenia was collected for the centralized database of the Armenian Information Service.

The Foleys’ training was a follow-on to a series of trainings conducted by two Armenian training providers, Apricot Plus/Aries Avetik Tours and the Business Support Center in the fall of 2002. The Armenian organizations provided training for B&B owners in four marzes of Armenia that are considered major tourist destinations: Syunik and Vayots Dzor (in the south), and Lori and Tavoush Dzor (in the north). Each provider conducted two five-day training sessions in each marz, and followed up with on-site consultations with every participant.

This training program focused on one aspect of the tourism and hospitality industry, the B&B sector, which presents an attractive and relatively low-cost investment opportunity for many Armenian families living in rural and small urban areas adjacent to Armenia’s main historical sites. Designed to help develop the capacity of B&B owners and managers to operate efficient and profitable businesses, the participants received training in customer service, communication skills, management, finance, business planning and marketing, as well offering them networking opportunities.

As a result of the training, many participants have either opened their own B&Bs or have begun or completed renovations to expand their B&B services. In addition, AED, in cooperation with the trainers and regional B&B coordinators, plans to conduct a follow-up workshop on the development of B&Bs in Armenia for up to 25 B&B owners from all 4 marzes. Other planned activities include the development of a B&B association at the national and regional levels, the marketing of B&Bs through the Armenian Information Center web site, and the creation of a B&B rating system setup managed by the B&B owners themselves.

Developing a B&B  Network Training in Progress Participants of the Developing a B&B Network training.

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Wed, 19 Mar 2008 10:39:22 -0500