An Initiative of the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment,
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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Interactive Web-Based Activities and Information

SAMHSA/CSAT hosts a Recovery Month interactive web site that makes information about Recovery Month accessible to local communities and the general public either online or through downloadable files. Everyone who accesses the site can view and order materials, distribute news, and post events by locality. A virtual kit was placed on the Recovery Month web site and through October 2002, had received 74,309 hits. The entire Recovery Month web site has received 2,217,355 total hits since March 2002.

As mentioned, the Recovery Month web site was redesigned for improved access to numerous activities listed on the site. The events listing was reconfigured as a map of the United States, so the general public could click directly on the state or select it from a menu of states to make it easy to explore the activities planned around the country.

The web site includes the virtual Recovery Month kit, additional resources and publications, and on-line ordering capabilities. SAMHSA/CSAT press releases, archived webcasts and web chats, and English and Spanish versions of the television and radio PSAs produced in both 2001 and 2002, along with open-ended versions of the Recovery Month 2002 spots, are also available.

Webcasts: SAMHSA/CSAT developed 10 webcasts in a talk and magazine show format, with a host and four guests. All webcasts were aired on the first Wednesday of the month at 3:00 p.m. EST, beginning in March and running through November. Viewers had an opportunity to send in topic-related questions, which were addressed during the program, prior to each webcast via the Recovery Month web site. Archive copies of the webcasts were made available on the web immediately following the aired program and can be ordered via the Recovery Month web site. Through September, the site logged 7,581 page views of the webcasts. (These figures indicate the number of times a viewer accessed the web page, but do not necessarily reflect the number of times the supporting graphics/files were viewed.) The webcasts that took place in 2002 are listed below:

The Road to Recovery: 2002
March 27, 2002

Alcohol Awareness Month: Recovery: It's a Family Affair and Everyone's Invited
April 3, 2002

Student Assistance and the Recovery Process: A Call to Action
May 1, 2002

Exploring the Community's Role in Recovery
June 5, 2002

Recovery and the Criminal Justice System
July 3, 2002

Civic and Appointed Officials: Raising their Voices for Recovery
August 7, 2002

Employers and Employees in Unison: Supporting Recovery Through the Workplace
September 4, 2002

Speaking Out About Healthcare and Recovery
September 11, 2002

The Nation's Response to the Call: A National Showcase of Faces and Voices of Recovery Month Conference
October 30, 2002

ONDCP's Marijuana Initiative: Facts and Solutions
November 20, 2002

Web Chats: SAMHSA/CSAT developed seven web chats that aired on the third Wednesday of the month at 3:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. EST, from April through September (two web chats were held in September). Questions were taken both in advance of the actual chats through the Recovery Month web site or live during the chat. There were a total of 530 chat logins and 242 simultaneous users for the 2002 web chats. The programs, listed below, were archived and are available on the Recovery Month 2002 web site.

Alcohol Awareness Month: Recovery: It's a Family Affair and Everyone's Invited
Stacia Murphy, President, NCADD
April 17, 2002

Helping Students in Trouble
Ellen Morehouse, Executive Director, Student Assistance Services
May 15, 2002

Calling Community-Based Voices to Action
Janice Ford Griffin, Deputy Director of Join Together
June 19, 2002

Treatment Alternatives in the Criminal Justice System
Judge Arthur Burnett, Superior Court of the District of Columbia
July 17, 2002

Civic and Appointed Officials: Raising Voices for Recovery
Anita Marton, Senior Attorney with the Legal Action Center
August 21, 2002

Employers and Employees in Unison: Supporting Recovery Through the Workplace
September 18, 2002

Speaking Out About Healthcare and Recovery
September 25, 2002

Print Media Coverage

Print coverage was monitored nationwide for Recovery Month in national and local newspapers, magazines, and on the Internet. From September 2002 to November 2002, 756 press clippings have been collected, including articles from The Washington Post, Reuters, and The Philadelphia Daily News.

Radio Tours

Following the press conference to kick off Recovery Month on September 5, SAMHSA/CSAT hosted a nationwide multi-city radio tour to address national, state, and local substance abuse issues in the United States. SAMHSA Administrator Charles Curie, CSAT Director Dr. H. Wesley Clark, and CSAT Associate Director of Consumer Affairs Ivette Torres used this opportunity to educate and inform the public on the nature of substance abuse treatment and recovery. Approximately 251 radio stations and 50 networks were contacted in the 31 target cities where community forums were held. A total of 132 press advisory faxes were distributed to assignment editors, reporters, and producers. The 2002 radio tour reached an estimated 4,985,630 listeners.


The figures and events outlined in this report are a testament to the countless individuals who worked hard both in their communities and who showed a tremendous demonstration of public support for Recovery Month. The Recovery Month 2002 celebration was the largest effort to date to raise public awareness about substance abuse, treatment, and recovery.

It takes continued vigilance to educate the public about the benefits of addiction treatment, and a conscious decision to actively work to reduce the stigma and eliminate the barriers that persist with addiction and recovery. But together, we can and have created momentum to continue to support those in recovery and to sustain efforts aimed at reducing or eliminating barriers to services.

All materials for the 2002 campaign and past observances can be viewed by visiting To order materials, contact SAMSHA's National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information at or by calling 1-800-729-6686, TDD 1-800-487-4889.

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