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Updated 8:00 AM EST, April 15, 2008
 Deployment Statistics        

St. Louis

Bi-State Development Agency - 2005 Survey


Please enter the current information for 2005 in the boxes provided. We have entered the information your agency provided in 2004 to assist you.

1. Total number of vehicles used in revenue service:
Total in 2004Total in 2005
Fixed Route Bus451425
Heavy or Rapid RailNR
Light Rail6569
Demand Responsive100125
Commuter RailNR
Ferry BoatNR

2. Total number of vehicles equipped with Automated Vehicle Location (AVL):
Total in 2004Total in 2005
Fixed Route Bus049
Heavy or Rapid RailNR
Light RailNR
Demand ResponsiveNR
Commuter RailNR
Ferry BoatNR

3. Total number of vehicles with real-time monitoring of vehicle components:
Total in 2004Total in 2005
Fixed Route Bus049
Heavy or Rapid RailNR
Light RailNR
Demand ResponsiveNR
Commuter RailNR
Ferry BoatNR

4. Total number of vehicles where automated dispatching or control software* is available:

(* Software that displays AVL-equipped vehicle locations, vehicle data, and operator data on dispatcher monitors, automated control software for light or heavy rail systems, or automated scheduling software for demand responsive service.)
Total in 2004Total in 2005
Fixed Route Bus049
Heavy or Rapid RailNR
Light RailNR
Demand ResponsiveNR
Commuter RailNR
Ferry BoatNR


Please enter the current information for 2005 in the boxes provided. We have entered the information your agency provided in 2004 to assist you.

Total in 2004Total in 2005
5. Motor buses used as probes to collect travel time, speed, and conditions on FREEWAYS0
6. Motor buses used as probes to collect travel time, speed, and conditions on ARTERIALS049


7. Does your agencys operators or dispatchers report traffic incidents (e.g., stalled vehicles, crashes)?
Your 2004 response was: No

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Radio button is selected


Please enter the current information for 2005 in the boxes provided. We have entered the information your agency provided in 2004 to assist you.

8a. Please check all the methods your agency uses to disseminate Transit Routes, Schedules, and Fare Information to the public:
In 2004In 2005
Dedicated cable TVCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
Automated telephone systemCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
Internet Web sitesCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is checked
Pagers or personal data assistantsCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
Interactive TVCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
KiosksCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is checked
E-mail or other direct PC communicationCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
In-vehicle navigation systemsCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
Variable Message Signs (in vehicle)Checkbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
Monitors/VMS (not in vehicles)Checkbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
Audible EnunciatorsCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
FacsimileCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
511 Telephone SystemCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked

8b. Please check all the methods your agency uses to disseminate Real-time Transit Schedule Adherence or Arrival and Departure Times to the public:
In 2004In 2005
Dedicated cable TVCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
Automated telephone systemCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
Internet Web sitesCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
Pagers or personal data assistantsCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
Interactive TVCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
KiosksCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is checked
E-mail or other direct PC communicationCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
In-vehicle navigation systemsCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
Variable Message Signs (in vehicle)Checkbox is not checkedCheckbox is checked
Monitors/VMS (not in vehicles)Checkbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
Audible EnunciatorsCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is checked
FacsimileCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked
511 Telephone SystemCheckbox is not checkedCheckbox is not checked

Total in 2004Total in 2005
9. Total number of bus stops1000010000
10. Number of bus stops that electronically display automated and dynamic traveler information to the public03
11. Total number of rail stationsNR
12. Number of rail stations that electronically display automated and dynamic traveler information to the publicNR


Please enter the current information for 2005 in the boxes provided. We have entered the information your agency provided in 2004 to assist you.

Total in 2004Total in 2005
13. Number of Fixed Route Buses that have traffic signal priority capability00
14. Number of Light Rail vehicles that have traffic signal priority capability00
15. Number of Demand Responsive vehicles that have traffic signal priority capability00


Please enter the current information for 2005 in the boxes provided. We have entered the information your agency provided in 2004 to assist you.

Total in 2004Total in 2005
16. Number of Fixed Route Buses with ramp meter signal priority capability00
17. Number of Demand Responsive vehicles with ramp meter signal priority capablity00


Please enter the current information for 2005 in the boxes provided. We have entered the information your agency provided in 2004 to assist you.

18. Vehicles/Stations equipped with Magnetic Stripe Readers:
Total in 2004Total in 2005
Fixed Route Buses451425
Heavy or Rapid Rail StationsNR
Light-Rail Stations90
Demand Responsive VehiclesNR
Commuter Rail StationsNR
Ferry Boat LandingsNR

19. Vehicle/Stations equipped with Smart Card Readers (with embedded computer chip):
Total in 2004Total in 2005
Fixed Route Buses00
Heavy or Rapid Rail Stations00
Light-Rail Stations00
Demand Responsive Vehicles00
Commuter Rail Stations00
Ferry Boat Landings00

20. Does your agency electronically store collected fare payment data for use in route and service planning?
Your 2004 response was: No

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Radio button is selected

21. Are there any other Transit Agencies in your metropolitan area that use the same electronic fare payment system that can be used to pay for your transit fares?
Your 2004 response was: No

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Radio button is selected
Radio button is not selected

22. Are there any Toll Collection Operators in your metropolitan area that use electronic toll collection media (e.g., EZ PASS) that can be used to pay for your transit fares?
Your 2004 response was: No

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Radio button is selected
Radio button is not selected