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Updated 8:00 AM EST, April 15, 2008
 Deployment Statistics        

Scranton, Wilkes-Barre

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission - 2004 Survey


Please enter the current information for 2004 and the current estimate for 2005 in the boxes provided. We have entered the information your agency provided in 2002 to assist you.

Total in 20022002 Estimated Total by 2005Total in 20042004 Estimated Total by 2005
1. Total number of toll collection plazas operated4444
2. Total number of toll collection plazas with Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) capabilities2444
3. Total number of toll collection lanes21212121
4. Total number of toll collection lanes with Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) capabilities5211919


Your 2004 response was: Yes

not selectedNo


6. Please check the ITS standards that you are using (deployed or in current RFP) or considering (assessing for use) in your operational electronic toll collection systems. The U.S. DOT ITS Standards Program recognizes that there may be other ITS standards surveys being conducted by other entities. If this is the case, please pardon any overlap; however, your input to these surveys will help the U.S. DOT ITS Standards Program better serve your needs and requirements. If no standards are used, skip to question 9.

List of standards to consider when deploying electronic toll collection projects:

Traffic Management
Using Considering 
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1202 - Object Definitions for Actuated Traffic Signal Controller Units
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1210 - Objects for Signal Systems Master
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1211 - Objects for Signal Control Priority
Freeway Management
Using Considering 
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1203 - Object Definitions for Dynamic Message Signs
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1204 - Object Definitions for Environmental Sensor Stations
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1205 - Objects for CCTV Camera Control
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1206 - Object Definitions for Data Collection and Monitoring (DCM) Devices
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1207 - Object Definitions for Ramp Meter Control
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1208 - Object Definitions for Video Switches
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1209 - Object Definitions for Transportation Sensor System
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1213 - Electrical and Lighting Mgmt System Interoperability & Intercommunications Std
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1301 - Weather Report Message Set for ESS
Advanced Transportation Controller
Using Considering 
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedITE 9603-1 - Application Programming Interface (API) Standard for the Advanced Transportation Controller (ATC)
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedITE 9603-2 - Advanced Transportation Controller (ATC) Cabinet
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedITE 9603-3 - Advanced Transportation Controller (ATC) Standard Specification for the Type 2070 Controller
Profiles and Base Standards
Using Considering 
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1201 - Global Object Definitions
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1102 - Octet Encoding Rules (OER)
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1103 - Transportation Management Protocol
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1104 - CORBA Naming Convention Specification
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1105 - CORBA Security Service Specification
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1106 - CORBA Near-Real Time Data Service Specification
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 2101 - Point to Multi-Point Protocol Using RS-232 Subnetwork Profile
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 2102 - Subnetwork Profile for PMPP using FSK Modems
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 2103 - Subnet Profile for Point-to-Point Protocol using RS 232
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 2104 - Subnetwork Profile for Ethernet
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 2201 - Transportation Transport Profile
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 2202 - Transport Profile for Internet (TCP/IP and UDP)
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 2301 - Application Profile for Simple Transportation Management Framework (STMF)
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 2302 - Application Profile for Trivial File Transfer Protocol
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 2303 - Application Profile for File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 2304 - Application Profile for Data Exchange ASN.1 (DATEX)
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 2305 - Application Profile for Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 8003 - Profiles - Framework and Classification of Profiles
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 9010 - XML Standard for Center-to-Center Communications
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedIEEE P1488 - IEEE Standard for Message Set Template for Intelligent Transportation Systems
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedIEEE P1489 - IEEE Standard for Data Dictionaries for Intelligent Transportation Systems - Part 1 Functional Area Data Dictionaries
Center-to-Center Communications
Using Considering 
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedITE TM 1.03 - Standard for Functional Level Traffic Management Data Dictionary (TMDD)
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedITE TM 2.01 - Message Sets for External TMC Communication (MS/ETMCC)
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1602 - Generic Reference Model for C2C Communications
Incident Management
Using Considering 
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedIEEE 1512-2000 Standard for Common Incident Management Message Sets for use by Emergency Management Centers
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedIEEE P1512.1 - Standard for Traffic Incident Management Message Sets for Use by EMCs
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedIEEE P1512.2 - Standard for Public Safety Incident Management Message Sets for Use by EMCs
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedIEEE 1512.3-2000 - Standard for Hazardous Material Incident Management Message Sets for Use by Emergency Management Centers
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedIEEE 1512.4 - Standard for Emergency Management to Emergency Vehicle Subsystems Use by Emergency Management Centers
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedIEEE P1556 - Standard for Security and Privacy of Vehicle/Roadside Communication Including Smart Card Comm.
Advanced Traveler Information System
Using Considering 
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedSAE J2354 - Message Set for Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS)
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedSAE J2540-2 - ITIS Phrase Lists (International Traveler Information Systems)
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedSAE J2630 - Converting ATIS Message Standards from ASN.1 to XML
Using Considering 
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedAPTA - TCIP Dialogs
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1400 - TCIP - Framework Standard
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1401 - TCIP - Common Public Transportation (CPT) Business Area Standard
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1402 - TCIP - Incident Management (IM) Business Area Standard
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1403 - TCIP - Passenger Information (PI) Business Area Standard
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1404 - TCIP - Scheduling/Runcutting (SCH) Business Area Standard
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1405 - TCIP - Spatial Representation (SP) Business Area Standard
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1406 - TCIP - Onboard (OB) Business Area Standard
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1407 - TCIP - Control Center (CC) Business Area Standard
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedNTCIP 1408 - TCIP - Fare Collection (FC) Business Area Standard
Commercial Vehicle Operations
Using Considering 
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedANSI TS284 - Commercial Vehicle Safety Reports
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedANSI TS285 - Commercial Vehicle Safety and Credentials Information Exchange
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedANSI TS286 - Commercial Vehicle Credentials
Dedicated Short Range Communications
Using Considering 
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedIEEE 1609.1 - Standard for Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Resource Manager
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedIEEE 1609-2 - Standard for Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Application Layer
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedIEEE 1609.3 - Standard for IP Interface for Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC)
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedIEEE 1609.4 - Standard for Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedE2213-02 Standard Specification for Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Roadside and Vehicle Systems - 5 GHz Band Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedSAE J2xxx - Standard for Data Dictionary and Message Sets for Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC)
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedE2158-01 Standard Specification for Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) Physical Layer using Microwave in the 902 to 928 MHz Band
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedASTM E17.54.00.1 - Standard Guidelines for Archiving ITS-Generated Data
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedPS 105-99: Standard Provisional Specification for Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) Data Link Layer
Archived Data User Service (ADUS)
Using Considering 
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedASTM E2259-03 -Standard Guidelines for Archiving
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedASTM E- Standard Specifications for Metadata Content for ITS-Generated Data
Checkbox is checked Checkbox is not checkedASTM E- Standard Specifications for Archiving ITS-Related Traffic Monitoring Data
Location Referencing
Using Considering 
Checkbox is not checked Checkbox is not checkedSAE J2266 - Location Referencing Message Specification

7. What factors helped your agency decide to use ITS Standards? Please pick top three factors
Options offered in the standardsRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Products employ standardsRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Regional architecture document requirementsRadio button is not selectedRadio button is selectedRadio button is not selected
Additional funding providedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Integration opportunitiesRadio button is selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Consultant or integrators recommendationRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
My agencys participation on standard committeesRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Training and technical assistance support provided by US DOTRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Responding to the rule to use ITS StandardsRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is selected
Compliance testing is readily availableRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected

PTC EAST / WEST ITS deployment projects 4-VMS, 4- RWIS, 8CCTV, 32 TFDS, 16 HAR roadway flashing signs. Having NTCIP DMS standards helped reduce costs during our deployment of an ATIS Central software system. It will also help with future deployments.

No response

No response

9. If no ITS standards are currently used, what factors will ensure that your agency uses ITS standards? Please pick top three factors (if standards are used, check no. 1 on the first selection and move on to next question)
We are already committed to using standards when they are completeRadio button is selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Vendors provide standard-compliant productsRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Standards being accepted by the ITS community and being used in deploymentsRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is selected
Training and technical support being provided to my agencyRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Standards are developed that apply to my systemRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Additional funding being provided to use the standardsRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Standards use enables interoperability of systemsRadio button is not selectedRadio button is selectedRadio button is not selected
Other (please specify)
Radio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected

10. What tool, resource, or support mechanism was or would be most helpful for implementing the standards? Please pick top three
Training coursesRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Published standards provided for freeRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Published standards are easily availableRadio button is selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Support documents (i.e., procurement and implementation guides) are availableRadio button is not selectedRadio button is selectedRadio button is not selected
WorkshopsRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Standards Web siteRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is selected
Standards forumRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Software tools to assist with correctly specifying and procuring the standardRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
E-mail bulletinsRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Resource documents (i.e., user guides and reference notebooks)Radio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Testing toolsRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Case studies of other similar projects that used standards successfullyRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected
Other (please specify)
Radio button is not selectedRadio button is not selectedRadio button is not selected


13. Does your agency participate in a statewide disaster planning program?
Radio button is selected
Radio button is not selected
Radio button is not selected