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USGS CMG CD Collection Skip navigational links
Source CMG
NGDC Carolyn Degnan cd-rom icon Coastal Relief Model, East Coast & Gulf of MexicoVolumes 1-5, 2001
CD series with integrated, gridded 3 arc-second bathymetric and USGS topographic data for the East Coast and Gulf Coasts of the US. GEODAS software for creations of custom-sized grids at selected resolutions. Technical info: David Divins, or 303 497-6505.
NGDC Carolyn Degnan cd-rom icon Global Relief, 1993
Gridded global topography and bathymetry at various scales, digitized coastlines, gridded oceanic gravity anomalies, ocean-floor gazetteers, and digital relief images in several formats. Technical info: Peter Sloss, or 303 497-6119.
NGDC Carolyn Degnan cd-rom icon Global Relief - 2 minute gridded data
October 2001 release of global elevation data gridded at a 2 minute (latitude-longitude) resolution with access software on CD-ROM. Technical info: Peter Sloss, or 303 497-6119.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Aeromagnetic Data from the TVA, 1999
10-second flight line data for 35 aeromagnetic track-line surveys flown by TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) in 1972-1979. Technical info: Ron Buhmann, or 303 497-6128.
NGDC   cd-rom icon TerrainBase (Global 5-minute Digital Terrain Model), 1994
A global land and marine 5-minute Digital Terrain Model (DTM). Technical info: Paula Dunbar, or 303 497-6084.
NGDC   cd-rom icon NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals, 1992
A searchable bibliography of marine minerals literature from 1831-1990 pertaining to sulfides, ferromanganese nodules and crusts, phosphorites and heavy minerals. The Geochemical Database contains primarily analyses of ferromanganese deposits. PC-DOS and Macintosh access software. Technical info: Carla Moore, or 303 497-6339.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Spitak Earthquake, 1994
An extensive collection of geophysical and geological data, maps, images and descriptive text pertaining to the catastrophic 1988 earthquake in Spitak Armenia. Technical info: Lowell Whiteside, or 303 497-6477.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Bathymetry of Lake Ontario, 2001
Bathymetric contours for Lake Ontario in ASCII xyz format and gridded bathymetry in ASCII xyz, and GMT/netCDF format. Shaded relief color graphic images in JPG and GIF format. Technical info: Bill Virden, or 303 497-7278.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Aeromagnetic and Bouguer Gravity Data from Bolivia, 1999
Bolivian Altiplano and Cordillera Occidental, Bolivia, aeromagnetic and gravity data. Technical info: Ron Buhmann, or 303 497-6128.
NGDC   cd-rom icon NOAA/NASA Pathfinder Climate Data, 1998
Collection of 7 data sets from the 1987-1988 NOAA/NASA Pathfinder Program. Data include AVHRR, TOVS, and SSM/I. Technical info: Patrick Hayes, or 303 497-6764
NGDC   cd-rom icon Solar Variability Affecting Earth, 1990
Collection of various solar-terrestrial and related global databases (to April 1990). Technical info: Helen Coffey, or 303 497-6223.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Project Magnet, 1996
Complete compilation of digital high-level vector aeromagnetic data collected from 1951-1994 through the DoD Project Magnet. Technical info: Ron Buhmann, or 303 497-6128.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Cosmic Ray Data, 1992
Cosmic ray data from neutron monitors operating in many parts of the world with data from 1953-1992. Technical info: Ed Erwin, or 303 497-6133.
NGDC   cd-rom icon NURE Aeromagnetic Data, 1999
Five CD-ROM set containing National Uranium Resource Evaluation high-resolution airborne magnetic surveys (more than 1.1 million line miles) collected from 1974-1980. Technical info: Ron Buhmann, or 303 497-6128.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Bathymetry of Lake Michigan, 1996
Five meter bathymetric contours for Lake Michigan in ASCII xyz format and gridded bathymetry in 9 & 30 arc-second intervals in ASCII xyz, and GMT/netCDF format. Shaded relief color graphic images in JPG and GIF format. Technical info: Bill Virden, or 303 497-7278.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Global View Project, 1994
Four-volume collection including previously published data. Coastal Change Analysis Project, Global Ecosystems Disk A, Experimental GVI, and TerrainBase are all included. Technical info: Allen Hittelman,
NGDC   cd-rom icon GLOBE Version 1.0 Digital Elevation Data, 1999
Four-volume collection of the Global Land One-Kilometer Base Elevation data set, covering land areas using a 30 arc-second latitude-longitude grid. Includes a 130 page documentation book. Technical info: David Hastings, or 303 497-6729.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Multibeam for US East Coast, 1999
Full resolution multibeam data for the East Coast of the US. Multibeam data were provided to NGDC by LDEO, WHOI, NOAA and URI. The GEODAS software provides search and access to the data. Technical info: Bill Virden: or 303 497-7278.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Global Ecosystems Database Version-II (2000)
GED-II contains thirty contributed datasets spanning a range of environmental and ecosystem variables. Technical info: John Kineman, or 303 497-6900.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Experimental Calibrated GVIs, 1994
Global-scale, biweekly Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data from 1985 - 1991 based on Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR). Technical info: David Hastings, or 303 497-6729.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Southern Oceans Geophysical Data, 1994
Gridded seafloor topography derived from GEOSAT satellite altimetry data for the area of 30-70 degrees south. Grids are 3-minutes of longitude and 1.5 minutes of latitude in resolution. Technical info: David Divins, or 303 497-6505.
NGDC   cd-rom icon GETCHELL Trend Airborne Geophysical Data, 1999
High quality data from remote sensing gamma ray, magnetic and electromagnetic instruments collected in the vicinity of the Humbolt Mountains, Nevada. Technical info: Ron Buhmann, or 303 497-6128.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Minnesota Aeromagnetic Data, 1989
High-resolution, total-intensity, aeromagnetic anomaly data in Minnesota from 1979-1991. Technical info: Ron Buhmann, or
NGDC   cd-rom icon Global Relief Images
Images of global relief data on CD-ROM. Technical info: Peter Sloss, or 303 497-6119.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Antarctic Multichannel Seismic Data
Multiple CD-ROM set of multichannel seismic data from the Antarctic released as part of the Seismic Data Library Series. Technical info: Robin Warnken, or 303 497-6338.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Core Data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 2000
New WDC for MGG Seafloor Series volume 1 CD-ROM. Contains all digital sediment and hard rock DSDP data files compiled by the data management staff of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Technical info: Carla Moore, or 303 497-6339.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Core Data from the Ocean Drilling Program, Legs 101-129
New WDC for MGG Seafloor Series volume 2 CD-ROM. Contains all digital sediment and hard rock ODP data files from legs 101-129 of the Ocean Drilling Program. Technical info: Carla Moore, or 303 497-6339.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Magnetic Anomaly Data for the Former Soviet Union, 1997
One and three arc-minute magnetic anomaly data of digitized residual magnetic intensity maps over the landmass of the former USSR. Technical info: Ron Buhmann, or 303 497-6128.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Bathymetry of Lake Erie/Lake St. Clair, 1999
One meter bathymetric contours for Lake Erie and Lake St Clair in ASCII xyz and ARC/INFO interchange formats and a 3 arc-second bathymetric grid with software to subsample, subset and reformat the data. Color shaded relief images of the lakes are also included. Technical info: Lisa Taylor, or 303 497-6767.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Seismicity Catalog, 1996
Parameters from over 4 million earthquakes from 2100 B.C. to 1995 A.D. and more than 200 seismicity catalogs with related seismicity data. Technical info: Lowell Whiteside, or 303 497-6477
NGDC   cd-rom icon Regions of Solar Activity, to present
Records of Ca plage regions (1942 - 1987), and sunspot groups (1874-present) on write-once CD-ROM. Technical info: Helen Coffey, or 303 497-6223.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Solar Radio Bursts, to present
Solar emissions measured in radio wavelengths. Taken from ground observation stations (1960-present). Grouped by year and written as standard ASCII text files on write-once CD-ROM. Technical info: Helen Coffey, or 303 497-6223.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Solar Flares in Hydrogen Alpha, to present
Solar flare records (1938 to present), grouped events (1955 to present), and indices (1955 to 1980) on write-once CD-ROM. Technical info: Helen Coffey, or 303 497-6223.
NGDC   cd-rom icon NOS Scanned Bathymetric/Fishing Maps, 2001
The complete suite of National Ocean Service bathymetric and fishing maps from US coastal waters has been scanned and is available on a series of CD-ROMs as images with viewing software. Technical info: Dave Cole, or 303 497-6429.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Marine Trackline Geophysics, ver. 4.0, 1999
Three disc set contains marine trackline bathymetry, gravity and magnetic data for over 4600 global surveys with GEODAS software providing search and access. For previous version holders, updates available. Technical info: Dan Metzger, or 303 497-6542.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Earthquake Strong Motion, 1996
Three-volume collection contains over 15,000 digitized and processed accelerograph records from 1933 to 1994. Technical info: Paula Dunbar, or
NGDC   cd-rom icon Geological Hazard Photos, 1997
Three-volume collection of photographs of damage from natural hazards in TIF, GIF, and JPG formats. Earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, landslides and other geologic hazards are represented. Technical info: Karen Horan, or 303 497-6277.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Ionospheric Digital Database, 1994
Two disc set containing 40,000 station-months of digitized vertical incidence parameters from 130 worldwide sites for the period from 1957 through 1990. Includes custom-designed access and display software. Technical info: Ray Conkright, or 303 497-6414.
NGDC   cd-rom icon NOS Hydrographic Survey Data, ver. 4.1, 2001
Two discs contain 64.1 million hydrographic soundings from over 5800 surveys for US coastal regions with GEODAS software to provide search and access. For previous version holders, updates available. Technical info: Dave Cole, or 303 497-6429.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Global AVHRR Derived Land Climatologies, 1997
Two-volume collection of reprocessed climatological data from NOAA's Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR). Technical info: David Hastings, or 303 497-6729.
NGDC   cd-rom icon Gravity Data - Land and Marine, 1999
Two-volume set containing land and marine gravity surveys, grids, models and geoids. Access software and data documentation included. Technical info: David Dater, or 303 497-6120.
NGDC   cd-rom icon GOES Space Environment Data, 1994 (with updates)
X-ray, magnetometer, and particle data from NOAA's Geosynchronous Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES). Data coverage begins January 1986, an update is supplied that extends the data to the present month. Technical info: Dan Wilkinson,, or 303 497-6137.

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Maintainer: Clint Steele
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Last modified: Thu Nov 21 11:19:06 PST 2002  (wcs)