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Systems of Records Notices


A.I.D. 15 – Employees Payroll Records

Systems of Records Notice


System name: Employees Payroll Records.

System location:

  1. Office of Information Resource Management, Agency for International Development, 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Rossyln, Virginia 22209.
  2. For employee case file--Employee Services Division, Office of the Controller, Agency for International Development, 1975 Florida Avenue, Washington, DC.
  3. For alimony and child support garnishment file - Employee Relations Branch, Office of Personnel and Manpower, Agency for International Development, 515 22nd Street NW, Washington, DC 20523.
  4. For retired files - Washington National Records Center, 4205 Suitland Road, Suitland, Maryland.

Categories of individuals covered by the system: A.I.D. employees including: Direct-hire employees assigned to positions in the United States, U.S. citizen direct-hire employees assigned to positions overseas, personal services contractors, other contract employees; and employees of Federal, state, or local government agencies assigned to A.I.D.

Categories of records in the system: This system consists of five files, three of which are computerized records maintained on magnetic discs and magnetic tapes. The other two are manual files maintained in filing cabinets. These files are described below.

  1. Employee Case File - this manual file contains copies of SF- 50's, withholding statements, bond allotment slips, health benefits forms, life insurance forms, retirement forms and other papers concerning payroll matters.
  2. New American Payroll System Automated Master Employee File this is an automated file. Individual records contain the following types of information; name, Social Security account number, country post, union indicator, timekeeper code, W-2 mail indicator, retirement system federal government life insurance, health benefits, birth date, a wide variety of dates including those that indicate suspense actions which are due at a future date, and other dates for the use of financial managers such as limited appointment expiration date, effective date of pay change; allowances, deductions, hours worked, leave severance pay, and federal and state income tax.
  3. Payroll History File - this file is an automated file. Individual records contain Social Security account number, current pay, year to date pay, tax status, allotments, bonds, time and attendance, retirement, insurance and other pay data.
  4. Address File - This is an automated file. Individual records contain address records for bonds, allotment, paychecks; W-2 mailing address, agency, Social Security account number, bond number, checkline code and financial organization.
  5. Alimony and Child Support Garnishment File - this is a manual file which contains court judgment and writ and other legal orders concerning alimony and/or child support payments.

Authority for maintenance of the system: Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (as amended) 621(a), 625, 636(b), (c); Chapter 51 title 5 U.S.C.; Executive Order 10927; Pub.L. 93-647; Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended; and Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 659).

Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories of users and the purposes of such uses:

To Treasury Department for payroll purposes.

To Treasury Department for issuance of savings bonds.

To Office of Personnel Management for retirement, health and life insurance purposes.

To the Social Security Administration for Federal Insurance Compensation Act purposes.

To the Internal Revenue Service for taxable earnings and withholding purposes.

To the Combined Federal Campaign for charitable contribution purposes.

To American Federation of Government Employees for union dues.

To American Foreign Service Association for union dues.

To the States of California, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia, under agreements entered into by the Secretary of the Treasury, wage and tax information consisting of name, address, social security number, wages (as defined in Section 3401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. 3401(a)), and tax withheld, if any. This data is provided generally with respect to employees of the Agency who are employed in the State and subject to the tax (whether or not tax is withheld); or, who have opted for voluntary withholding for their taxing jurisdiction.

To the Attorney General of the United States or his authorized representative in connection with litigation, law enforcement, or other matters under the direct jurisdiction of the Department of Justice, or carried out as the legal representative of the Executive Branch agencies.

To the Internal Revenue Service for audit and inspection and investigation purposes.

To the Department of Health and Human Services for microfilming and producing microfiche.

To the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company (a contractor) and its employees for the purpose of telecommunications transmission of data between the central computer facility and the remote terminal.

To the Department of State for retirement and microfilming purposes.

To judgment holder for the purposes of garnishment for the payment of alimony or child support.

To a duly appointed hearing examiner or abritrator (an employee of another federal agency) for the purpose of conducting a hearing in connection with an employee's appeal involving disclosures of records of A.I.D. financial systems.

To an arbitrator who is given a contract pursuant to a negotiated labor agreement to hear an employee's grievance involving disclosure of records of the financial management system.

To the Civil Service Commission concerning pay, benefits, retirement deductions, and other information necessary for the Commission to carry out its Government-wide personnel management functions.

To law enforcement agencies, U.S. Government agencies, courts, the Department of State, foreign governments and international agencies, and Members of Congress, for the purposes set forth in the Statement of General Routine Uses immediately preceding these specific notices of systems of records.

Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, and disposing of records in the system:

Storage: Automated records are stored on magnetic disc and/or magnetic tape. The manual files contain microfilm, microfiche, printed forms, punched cards, and correspondence.

Retrievability: The five files described above are indexed in the following manner;

  1. Employee Case File - By name of employee.
  2. New American Payroll System Automated Master Employee File - by Social Security account number.
  3. Payroll History File - by Agency (A.I.D. and O.P.I.C.) and Social Security account number.
  4. Address File - by Social Security account number.
  5. Alimony and Child Support Garnishment File - by name.

Safeguards: For the automated system, a `password' is assigned to A.I.D. employees who in the performance of their official duties, must have access to these files. For the manual files they are located in metal file cabinets with three-way combination locks or in secured premises with access limited to those whose official duties require access. The computer facility, including the tape library, is located in secured premises with combination-lock door and, access is limited to persons of verified identity who require access.

Retention and disposal:

  1. The Employee Case Files are maintained for ten years after the date of an employee's separation. The file is transferred to the Washington National Records Center one year after audit.
  2. The new American Payroll System Automated Master Employee File is maintained for a two-week period; then it is updated by writing over the old record. This automated record duplicates the information in the employee case file.
  3. The Payroll History File is maintained for five years; then it is written over.
  4. The Address File is updated periodically as needed and the old version is written over.
  5. The Alimony and Child Support Garnishment File is maintained in the office for a period of seven years after an employee is transferred or separated.

System manager(s) and address: For Alimony and Child Support Garnishment File: Chief, Employee Relations Branch, Office of Personnel and Manpower, Agency for International Development, 515 22nd Street NW, Washington, DC 20523.

For all other files: Assistant Controller, Employee Services Division, Financial Management, Agency for International Development, 1975 Florida Avenue, Washington, DC.

Notification procedure: Requests by individuals concerning the existence of a record may be addressed to:

Office of Personnel and Manpower (SER/PM)
Attn: Privacy Liaison Officer
Agency for International Development
320 21st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20523
or presented in person at State Annex 2, 515 22nd Street NW, Washington, DC 20523.

Information Required: Individual's name, place and date of birth. The determination as to the existence of a record will be facilitated by the provision of the individual's Social Security number and dates and places of service.

Record access procedures: Requests from individuals should be addressed or presented in person to the same addresses as stated in the Notification Section above.

Requests should be accompanied by information sufficient to identify the individual pursuant to Sec. 215.4(c) or (d) of the Agency's Regulations as published in this issue of the Federal Register.

Contesting record procedures: Written requests from individuals to amend their record should be mailed or presented in person to the same addresses as stated in the Notification Section above.

Requests for review of a refusal to amend a record should be made in writing and mailed or delivered to:

Agency for International Development
320 21st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20523
ATTENTION: Executive Secretary--Privacy Review Request.
Both the envelope and the letter should be clearly marked
Attention: Executive Secretary--Privacy Review Request.

Record source categories: The individual concerned and A.I.D. employees acting in their official capacities.

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Mon, 21 Aug 2006 11:36:23 -0500