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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

At risk volcano hazards from Mount Hood, Oregon.

-- Wessells, S., and Matrazzo, D., 1998,
At risk volcano hazards from Mount Hood, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-492, videocassette, 14 minutes.

This video program describes and illustrates the types of volcano hazards posed by Mount Hood, Oregon, and shows areas near the volcano that could be affected by future activity. The video was produced to provide nearby residents, businesses, and public agencies basic information about future potential volcano hazards from the volcano. Located about 80 km east of Portland, Oregon, Mount Hood's recent activity has included debris avalanches (landslides), lahars, pyroclastic flows, and eruption of viscous lava. The video includes dramatic images of eruptions from volcanoes in the Caribbean, Japan, and Hawai`i.

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04/27/07, Lyn Topinka