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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Geologic History of Mount Hood Volcano, Oregon -- A Field-Trip Guidebook

-- Scott, W.E., Gardner, C.A., Sherrod, D.R., Tilling, R.I., Lanphere, M.A., and Conrey, R.M., 1997,
Geologic History of Mount Hood Volcano, Oregon -- A Field-Trip Guidebook: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-263, 38p.

Native American legends abound with descriptions of the brothers Wy'east (Hood) and Pahto (Adams) battling for the fair La-wa-la-clough (st. Helens). Behaviors attributed to Wy'east (as paraphrased from Harris' (1988) summary of Native American lore) include hurtling of hot rocks from gaping holes, sending forth streams of liquid fire, loss of formerly high summits, and choking of valleys with rocks. These are fair descriptions of Mount Hood's reconstructed activity over the past two millennia. -- Scott,, 1997

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04/27/07, Lyn Topinka