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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

The Danger of Collapsing Lava Domes: Lessons for Mount Hood, Oregon

-- Steven R. Brantley and William E. Scott, 1993,
The Danger of Collapsing Lava Domes: Lessons for Mount Hood, Oregon: IN: Earthquakes & Volcanoes, v.24, n.6, p.244-269.

Nestled in the crater of Oregon's majestic Mount Hood volcano is Crater Rock, a prominent feature known to thousands of skiers, climbers, and tourists who journey each year to the famous Timberline Lodge located high on the volcano's south flank. Crater Rock stands about 100 m above the sloping crater floor and warm fumaroles along its base emit sulfur gases and a faint steam plume that is sometimes visible from the lodge. What most visitors do not know, however, is that Crater Rock is a volcanic lava dome only 200 years old. -- Brantley and Scott, 1993

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04/03/03, Lyn Topinka