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MDIM 2.1: Mars Global Digital Image Mosaic

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Data Access

Quad ID: MC-18
Quad Name: Coprates
Center Latitude of Quad: 15°S
Center Longitude of Quad: 292.5°E


Center Latitude of Projection: 0°

Download Data

16 pixels/degree: 283 KB Isis 1 | 91 KB JPG
64 pixels/degree: 4 MB Isis 1 | 1 MB JPG
256 pixels/degree: 68 MB Isis 1 | 12 MB JPG

JPEG images open in a new window
See Footnote 2 for information about the file naming convention.
Having issues viewing the files? Browser problems3 | Software problems4.

Quick Jump

Click the map below to jump to a different quad.

Click to view the available downloads for that region
MC-1,  90N   0E, Mare Boreum MC-30, 90S   0E, Mare Australe MC-2,  48N 210E, Diacria MC-3,  48N 270E, Arcadia MC-4,  48N 330E, Mare Acidalium MC-5,  48N  30E, Ismenius Lacus MC-6,  48N  90E, Casius MC-7,  48N 150E, Cebrenia MC-8,  15N 203E, Amazonis MC-9,  15N 248E, Tharsis MC-10, 15N 270E, Lunae Palus MC-11, 15N 338E, Oxia Palus MC-12, 15N  23E, Arabia MC-13, 15N  68E, Syrtis Major MC-14, 15N 113E, Amenthes MC-15, 15N 158E, Elysium MC-16, 15S 203E, Memnonia MC-17, 15S 248E, Phoenicis Lacus MC-18, 15S 270E, Coprates MC-19, 15S 338E, Valles Marineris MC-20, 15S  23E, Sinus Sabaeus MC-21, 15S  68E, Iapygia MC-22, 15S 113E, Mare Tyrrhenum MC-23, 15S 158E, Aeolis MC-24, 48S 210E, Phaethontis MC-25, 48S 270E, Thaumasia MC-26, 48S 330E, Argyre MC-27, 48S  30E, Noachis MC-28, 48S  90E, Hellas MC-29, 48S 150E, Eridania
1 Each Isis Cube file is distributed as a compressed archive in GZIP format. The GZIP archive can be uncompressed with utilities such as gunzip (Unix/Linux), WinZip (Microsoft Windows), or Aladdin Systems' Stuffit (Mac).

2 The file naming convention is:

M[resolution][latitude][longitude][options].[data format].[file format]


  • M: MDIM
  • resolution:
    • E = 16 pixels/degree
    • G = 64 pixels/degree
    • I = 256 pixels/degree
  • latitude/longitude: the coordinates of the center of the quad
  • options: optional information, such as 8bt = 8-bit data
  • data format: for gzipped files, indicates the format of the archived data. CUB = Isis Cube Format, IMG = PDS Format
  • file format: the format of the download file. JPG = JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group) image format, GZ = Gnu ZIP compressed archive format.

3 When displaying large JPEGs, some browsers may not display them well or at all, or may return an error message. If you are experiencing an issue diplaying a large JPEG, try downloading the file to your computer:
  • Mac: Move the mouse cursor over the link to the image and hold down the mouse button to make a menu appear. Select the option "Save target as..." (may also be labeled "Save link as..." or "Save link target as...").
  • Windows, Unix, and Linux: Right-click the link to the image and select the option "Save target as..." (may also be labeled "Save link as..." or "Save link target as...").

4 Some applications may not be able to open very large JPEG images, and may return an "illegal image width" error message, or "parse error" message. If you are experiencing an issue working a large JPEG, try viewing the image using a different application, such as:
  • IrfanView: Freeware image processing application for Windows.
  • Paint Shop Pro: Shareware image processing application for Windows.
  • The Gimp: Freeware image processing application for Linux, Windows, and Mac.
  • JView: Freeware image viewer for Mac.
An image processing application can be used to break large images into smaller subareas (using a crop tool), or exporting to an alternative format. See the Planetary GIS Discussion Board for additional information. Contact the web developer with additional questions or concerns.

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