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World Learning Democracy Fellows Program

Started in 2005

Program objectives:

  1. to assist USAID's efforts to promote and strengthen the evolution of democratic practices and institutions in transitional or emerging democracies, through provision of junior, mid- and senior-level fellows who can provide USAID with technical assistance, policy evaluation and analysis, and oversight of program implementation; and
  2. to provide advice on program implementation, and reciprocally, to support individuals pursuing careers in international democracy and governance.

Program Description:

The Democracy Fellows Program places fellows in USAID/Washington and in USAID missions overseas. Democracy Fellows help to strengthen democratic institutions, programs, practices and activities in emerging and transitional democracies. Fellowship activities may include: working with USAID democracy and governance teams; providing policy analysis and expert advice to USAID; helping USAID to strengthen the capacities of local governments and democratic groups; supporting USAID projects to increase electoral and political participation; aiding USAID-supported legal, judicial and legislative reforms; helping to develop USAID democracy strategies, evaluation methods and indicators; and accomplishing practical research of benefit to USAID.

In implementing the program, World Learning recruits and nominates qualified candidates for USAID-sponsored Democracy Fellowships, and provides overall orientation and management for each fellowship throughout its term. World Learning awards fellowships based on the particular needs and requirements of the sponsoring USAID mission or office, and on the specific candidate's abilities, experience and professional qualifications.

Selection Procedure:

World Learning recruits junior, mid- and senior-level candidates with variable professional experience and education in the field of international democracy and governance. Other requirements are analytical skills, excellent oral and written skills and cross-cultural skills. In addition, candidates for Democracy Fellowships must indicate a commitment to, or promise for, a career in the evolving and challenging field of international democracy and governance assistance. Professional foreign language fluency may be required for some fellowships.

The Office of Democracy and Governance manages the cooperative agreement between USAID and World Learning, and World Learning should be the primary contact point for application and information on the Democracy Fellows Program. World Learning develops the Democracy Fellow candidate pool, and coordinates with interested USAID field missions and the DG Center to identify, select and place Democracy Fellows.

Length of Fellowship:

Democracy fellowships are awarded for a one-year term, with possibilities for extension or renewal on a yearly basis for up to four years.

World Learning Democracy Fellows Program (1995)

1015 Fifteenth Street NW Suite 750
Washington, DC 20005
Telephone: 202-408-5420
Fax: 202-408-5397
Web site:
Contact Person(s):
Ellen Garrett, Director
Kristin Corcoran, Program Administrator

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Fri, 03 Nov 2006 09:46:05 -0500