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Report a Crime

Who Do I Contact To Report A Crime ?

The following is a list of persons and/or organizations to contact, if you have a crime to report. (It is organized, alphabetically, by type of crime.) If you are witnessing a crime in session, contact 911 immediately! Each of the government offices listed on the right side of the list, under "Who To Contact," is a link to that office's web site. To return to this page, click the "Back" button on your browser.


Witness a Crime Who To Contact
Bank and Financial Institution Fraud FBI, Secret Service
Child Pornography FBI, Postal Inspection Service
Civil Rights Abuses FBI
Computer Crimes FBI
Consumer Fraud FBI, Postal Inspection Service
Counterfeiting Secret Service
Environmental Crime FBI, EPA
Firearms, Explosives and Arson BATF - 800 ATF GUNS
Fugitives U. S. Marshals Service
Hate Crimes FBI
Identity Theft Federal Trade Comission
Immigration Crime ICE (was INS) Enforcement Hot Line
Medicare Fraud Medicare, FBI
Narcotics DEA
Other Fraud on Government FBI
Passport and Visa Fraud Dept. of State, Bureau Diplomatic Security
Public Corruption FBI
Violent Crime FBI
Tax Fraud IRS
Telemarketing Fraud FBI
Terrorism FBI
Threats Against U.S. Presidents & Others Secret Service