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USAID Employee Survey 2002
Procurement Services

Results By Sector

Administrative Services

Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance Services

Economic Growth, Agriculture, and Trade Services

Financial Management Services

Global Health Services

Information Services


Procurement Services

Last updated: Thursday, 12-Dec-2002 18:56:25 EST


Margin Favorable Procurement Services

Question 2001 2002 Improvement
My procurement office is responsive to my needs 51.6 66.8 15.2
Service from my procurement office is of high quality 43.1 56.3 13.2
I can quickly and easily get procurement/assistance information I need for my work . 53.3 .
Overall, Procurement Services is meeting my needs 22.7 60.1 37.4
Graph: Margin Favorable Procurement Services - text provided in table above