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Mexico: USAID Program Profile

FY 2005
FY 2006
FY 2007
Total Program Funds


The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) new regional strategy for Mexico and Central America which began this year emphasizes more responsive and transparent governance; open, diversified and expanding economies; investing in health and education; and timely effective crisis response. The USAID program in Mexico is focused on developing collaborative U.S.-Mexico development responses to support these objectives and address shared concerns in the following principal areas:

Transparent Governance and the Rule of Law: USAID supports Mexican initiatives to improve the responsiveness and transparency of government and its accountability to citizens. Activities include building more effective revenue generating capacity at the state and local level, e-government programs, certification standards for public officials, and enhanced oversight of public resources. USAID also provides technical assistance to support Mexican efforts to put in place more effective civil and criminal justice systems, increased access to justice through court-sponsored mediation centers, and increased professionalism by reforming legal education and professional standards.

Natural Resources Management: USAID’s environmental program is focused on improving the management of natural resources in key watershed areas of Mexico. USAID is working with a range of U.S. and Mexican partner organizations to introduce new and improved watershed management approaches to conserve Mexico’s considerable biodiversity, particularly forestry; and to generate new economic opportunities for communities in the target watershed areas, through promotion of eco-tourism, cacao, specialty coffee, community forestry, and non-timber forestry products. To promote environmental business and energy conservation businesses, USAID is working with Mexico on economically viable renewable systems and energy-efficient, non-polluting production technologies.

Access to Finance: USAID collaborates with Mexican partners to increase access to effective financial services for traditionally underserved populations. The program will build the capacity of microfinance institutions, improve the supervisory and regulatory systems, and leverage remittances for new financial services, savings, and investment.

Tuberculosis Control and HIV/AIDS Prevention: This program supports GOM efforts to prevent and control both HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis in vulnerable populations. For HIV/AIDS, the focus is to contain and reduce the virus within vulnerable populations to prevent its spread to the general population. The approach will be to reduce barriers to behavior change and care seeking and increase access to services that facilitate safer behavior. The TB effort will improve the quality and outreach capability of TB detection, diagnosis, and treatment in 13 states of Mexico.

Training, Internships, Exchanges, and Scholarships: USAID supports the formation of new partnerships between U.S. and Mexican institutions of higher education and the private sector, and supports training and exchanges in the U.S. for young Mexicans working on economic growth and social development issues.

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Mon, 03 Mar 2008 10:52:02 -0500