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Disaster Assistance at a Glance

Recent Disaster Declaration:

OFDA Response:
Emergency relief supplies, Shelter

OFDA Preparedness:
Disaster preparedness, response, and management

Map of Brazil

Most Recent Disaster Declaration:
Flooding, 04-17-2008

Heavy rains beginning in late March caused flooding and mudslides in the normally semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil. According to the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia, flooding affected 415,691 people in 250 municipalities in Ceará, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, and Rio Grande do Norte states as of April 11. As a result of the flooding, 39,606 individuals lost their houses and 79,451 people were displaced as of April 11. In Paraíba State, 26 people died as a result of the floods. Floodwaters damaged infrastructure, including roads and dams, and led to the loss of crops, seed banks, pasture land, field animals, and water management resources.

On April 17, U.S. Ambassador Clifford M. Sobel issued a disaster declaration due to the effects of the flooding. In response, USAID/OFDA provided $50,000 to Catholic Relief Services for the provision of basic emergency assistance for a total of 500 families in Crateus municipality, Ceará State; Esperantina municipality, Piauí State; and Aparecida municipality, Paraíba State. USAID/OFDA staff in Washington, D.C., and San José, Costa Rica, and the MDRO in Brasilia continued to monitor conditions.

For information on USAID's hurricane recovery and reconstruction programs, please see here.

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Mon, 21 Apr 2008 15:53:57 -0500