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Disaster Assistance at a Glance

Recent Disaster Declarations:

OFDA Response:
Technical support from OFDA Regional Advisor

Latest OFDA Report:
Malawi Success Story (192kb PDF)

Map of Malawi

Most Recent Disaster Declaration:
Floods, 04-01-2008

Between mid-November 2007 and April 2008, heavy rains in central and southern Malawi led to flooding in 15 of the country’s 28 districts, particularly in Chikwawa and Nsanje. The Government of Malawi estimated that the flooding affected 32,722 households, of which 5,756 were displaced and 22,707 lost crops. In the most affected districts of Chikwawa and Nsanje, the flooding affected more than 19,600 households. In addition to destroying crops, the floods submerged property and damaged bridges and roads, cutting off access to some areas and restricting access to basic services such as health clinics and schools, according to USAID/Malawi.

On April 1, U.S. Ambassador Alan W. Eastham issued a disaster declaration for Malawi due to the flooding. OFDA’s Regional Advisor worked with USAID/Malawi to identify unmet recovery needs of flood-affected households, particularly in the agriculture and food security sector.

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Tue, 07 Oct 2008 10:24:40 -0500