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Envelope Contact Global Health

Couple Years of Protection (CYP)

What is it?
CYP is the estimated protection provided by contraceptive methods during a one-year period, based upon the volume of all contraceptives sold or distributed free of charge to clients during that period.

How is CYP calculated?
The CYP is calculated by multiplying the quantity of each method distributed to clients by a conversion factor, to yield an estimate of the duration of contraceptive protection provided per unit of that method. The CYP for each method is then summed for all methods to obtain a total CYP figure. CYP conversion factors are based on how a method is used, failure rates, wastage, and how many units of the method are typically needed to provide one year of contraceptive protection for a couple. The calculation takes into account that some methods, like condoms and oral contraceptives, for example, may be used incorrectly and then discarded, or that IUDs and implants may be removed before their life span is realized.

Why does USAID use CYP as an indicator to measure program performance?
CYP is easy to calculate from data that programs routinely collect; these data can come from a variety of sources and are relatively easy to track. The term "CYP" reflects distribution and is a way to estimate coverage and not actual use or impact. The CYP calculation provides an immediate indication of the volume of program activity. CYP can also allow programs to compare the contraceptive coverage provided by different family planning methods.

What are the CYP conversion factors?


CYP Per Unit

Oral Contraceptives

15 cycles per CYP


120 units per CYP

Female Condoms

120 units per CYP

Vaginal Foaming Tablets

120 units per CYP

Depo Provera Injectable

4 doses (ml) per CYP

Noristerat Injectable

6 doses per CYP

Cyclofem Monthly Injectable

13 doses per CYP

Copper-T 380-A IUD

3.5 CYP per IUD inserted

Norplant Implant

3.5 CYP per Implant

Implanon Implant

2.0 CYP per Implant

Jadelle Implant

3.5 CYP per Implant

Emergency Contraceptive Pills

20 doses per CYP

Natural Family Planning
(i.e. Standard Days Method)

2 CYP per trained, confirmed adopter

Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM)

4 active users per CYP (or .25 CYP per user)

Sterilization (male & female)*
        - Asia
        - Latin America
        - Africa
        - Near East/North Africa

10 CYP
10 CYP

*The CYP conversion factor for sterilization varies because it depends on when the sterilization is performed in the reproductive life of the individual. For more specific data on CYPs and sterilization, consult with national DHS and CDC reproductive health survey records which may provide a historical calculation based on a specific country’s context.

Further Reading


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Thu, 30 Oct 2008 12:09:25 -0500