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Mission's message


Welcome to the USAID Mission in Kosovo web site. We are happy to provide you with a closer look at our activities in Kosovo

Patricia Rader, USAID/Kosovo Mission Director


The USAID Mission to Kosovo was established in July 1999 after peace was restored to the area by a NATO-led coalition and Kosovo came under United Nations authority. The highest priorities at the end of the conflict were to provide emergency assistance and establish a secure environment. A large outpouring of international assistance and the strength and determination of the Kosovars stabilized an enormous humanitarian crisis and the work of rebuilding an economy and establishing a democracy began. Today, USAID/Kosovo has a clear mission - to help transform Kosovo into a self-governing economically sustainable entity in which all citizens have equal rights.

Operating under a five-year strategic plan for 2004-2008, USAID/Kosovo has a principal role in two major areas: economic growth and democracy and governance. Economic growth initiatives are focused on improving the policy and institutional climate for productive investment and accelerating the growth of the private sector. Democracy programs are designed to support a more open and responsive government acting according to the rule of law and also to assist civil society and government in becoming more effective partners in achieving good governance. Special initiatives are directed at anti-trafficking measures, management of the electric utility, and targeted health interventions. All of the Mission's programs integrate five critical cross-cutting issues: gender, youth, corruption, returns and reconciliation, and human capacity development.

Through its activities in the past in helping rehabilitate and rebuild Kosovo and today's programs, USAID/Kosovo has been facilitating the strengthening of a diverse, multi-ethnic Kosovo, as a society that is not only tolerant of differences but gains strength through the richness of its diversity.

We at USAID/Kosovo are pleased with the work and success to date, which would not have been possible without the active cooperation of Kosovars. We will continue to work to ensure that Kosovo has a future that provides opportunity and options for all of its citizens, regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity.

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