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Disaster Assistance at a Glance

Recent Disaster Declaration:
Food Insecurity

OFDA Response:
Emergency Relief Supplies, Health

Map of Tijikistan

Most Recent Disaster Declaration:
Food Insecurity, 02-13-08

Beginning in January 2008, extreme cold weather and social and economic factors led to food insecurity, power shortages, and damage to agricultural assets and water systems in Tajikistan. At least 260,000 people needed immediate assistance, according to the U.N. World Food Program and partners. On February 25, the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported that food insecurity had affected an estimated 2 million people. In addition, most regions of the country had no power. The Government of Tajikistan requested international assistance and the U.N. issued a flash appeal.

On February 13, U.S. Ambassador Tracey A. Jacobson declared a disaster due to food insecurity, exacerbated by extreme winter weather and an energy crisis. In response, USAID/OFDA provided $992,618 to Save the Children, CARE, and Mercy Corps for the provision of fuel, heaters, clothing, household supplies, and health services.

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Wed, 27 Feb 2008 13:47:50 -0500