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FATA Fact Sheet


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FATA Fact Sheet

February 2008

In November 2007, USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives (USAID/OTI) launched its program in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) to improve the capacity of the Government of Pakistan to deliver services to tribal communities in the region. The FATA Transition Initiative (FTI) aims to improve the economic and social environment in the region through small community enhancement projects. In addition, FTI will support the GOP in increasing public access to information about GOP social, economic and political activities and policies in FATA.

The GOP is focusing efforts to bring security and development to FATA, demonstrating a renewed commitment towards the region by enhancing the role of the FATA Secretariat (FS) and attracting investment to the area through the newly created FATA Development Authority (FDA). To begin bringing sustained and coordinated development to the region, the FS has recently produced the FATA Sustainable Development Plan (SDP). The GOP has pledged $1 billion to the SDP and is actively soliciting additional funds from donor governments, including the United States.

For further information, please contact:
In Washington, D.C: Christie Sunwoo, ANE Program Manager, 202-712-1417,


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Thu, 21 Feb 2008 15:55:16 -0500