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USAID Administrator and Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance Henrietta H. Fore visited Peru from January 10 - 12.  Her robust schedule included several ministerial meetings, the signing of a major public-private partnership, a visit to see USAID projects in the highlands region of Ayacucho, and the signature of a new joint project with the Government of Peru. 

One of the highlights of the visit was Administrator Fore’s signing of declarations of cooperation with the leadership of three major mining companies in Peru.  Over the past several years, the mining sector in Peru has experienced a period of growth and profitability, making available substantial resources for development programs.  The declarations signed by the Administrator build on existing, smaller Global Development Alliances between USAID/Peru and two of the companies and seek to expand these partnerships. 

Administrator Fore speaks with a beneficiary of USAID's poverty reducation project (PRA) in Ayacucho.  The project connects producers with consumers and markets worldwide

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Fri, 01 Feb 2008 13:36:48 -0500