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USAID in Bulgaria: 1990–2007
Seventeen Years Hand in Hand

Cover of the USAID Publication 'USAID in Bulgaria: 1990–2007: Seventeen Years Hand in Hand' - Click to Download
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From our vantage point in 2007, it is striking how far Bulgaria has come since 1989. The march from a highly centralized communist state to a democratic, free market member of NATO and the European Union (EU) has been long and often uphill. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is proud of the partnership role it played in helping Bulgaria make this momentous journey. To commemorate the closing of the USAID program in 2007, this publication gives a short historical summary of that role and the accomplishments along the way.

USAID, the U.S. Government’s foreign assistance agency, began to support Bulgaria’s transition to a democracy and free market economy in 1990. It continued its program over the next 17 years with more than $600 million in assistance. During that period the USAID program evolved almost as dramatically as Bulgaria’s own transition. Starting as a modest program of emergency food and medical aid and support for democratic political processes including free and fair elections, it quickly grew into a broad spectrum of activities supporting many key components of the transition. Throughout its history, USAID worked closely with the Bulgarian government and indigenous counterparts, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), EU, and other donors to accomplish mutual objectives. The accomplishments were the result of the tireless efforts of dedicated and visionary Bulgarians whom USAID has partnered with throughout the years.

While its programs changed considerably over time, the USAID commitment to the basic foundations of democracy and free markets did not waver. USAID made significant contributions to a vibrant civil society, effective and accountable local governments, independent media, the rule of law, free market systems, and sustainable private enterprise growth. USAID provided consistent support to help establish and strengthen many important Bulgarian institutions in these core areas. USAID also helped to reduce the social and economic costs of the transition, with activities targeted to help the unemployed, improve health care, support ethnic integration, and preserve Bulgaria’s rich environmental diversity. In addition, USAID provided millions of dollars of recovery assistance during the financial crisis in 1996–97, the disruptions from the Kosovo crisis in 1999, and the extensive flooding in 2005.

USAID closes its program in 2007 with Bulgaria solidly grounded as a new member of the EU and with bright prospects for the future. Recognizing that the transition process remains fragile, USAID is establishing two legacy mechanisms that will provide funding for private organizations to help ensure Bulgaria’s continued progress: the Bulgaria Fund and the America for Bulgaria Foundation.

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Wed, 13 Feb 2008 15:38:49 -0500