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Latin America and the Caribbean Articles and Newsletters ( English * Español )


Monthly Newsletter

Humanitarian workers prepare to distribute USAID/OFDA relief supplies after recent storms and hurricanes caused severe damage and widespread floods that displaced thousands of people in Haiti.

September 2008
Top Story:
Helping Hurricane Victims in Haiti.
Plus: Humanitarian Aid Provided to Caribbean, Costa Rica; Acting Technical Director Named; Chile Plans to Spend $31 Million on Volcano Early Warning System; Activities Coming Up. (100kb PDF)

Members of the Nicaraguan Red Cross and National Firefighters Corps participate in a USAID/OFDA Incident Command System course organized by the International Resources Group.

August 2008
Top Story:
The Incident Command System.
Plus: Time to Pass the Baton’ Explores Risk Reduction; Farewell to Juan Pablo Sarmiento; USAID/OFDA Provides Assistance to Flood Victims in Guatemala; Activities Coming Up. (134kb PDF)

Residents walk through rubble in the streets.

July 2008
Top Story:
Building Back Better after Devastating Earthquake in Peru.
Plus: Helping Tabasco Restore Livelihoods; Caribbean Wind Hazard Maps Created; Assisting Belize after the Floods; Activities Coming Up. (121kb PDF)



Previous Newsletters:

June 2008 (111kb PDF)
May 2008 (145kb PDF)
April 2008 (148kb PDF)


Residents in the department of Santa Cruz
worked to erect barriers to stop river overflows,
as seen in this aerial shot.

Helping Families in Flood-Stricken Areas of Bolivia
(March 2008)

In response to severe flooding in Bolivia, a USAID/OFDA team traveled to the hardest hit departments to help evaluate damages, identify needs, distribute relief aid that had been pre-positioned in the country prior to the rainy season, and airlift in additional supplies. More...

Participants also toured Valparaiso to observe the
coastal city’s risk-management challenges.

Workshop Explores Correlation between Land Use and Risk Management
(January 2008)

Twenty Latin American experts in planning, architecture, environment and risk management exchanged ideas on the correlation between disaster risk management, land use and environmental management during a USAID-funded workshop. More...

Australian geophysicist Gerard Fryer shows Lorna Inniss of Barbados' Coastal Zone Management Unit (center), and USAID/OFDA Regional Advisor Julie Leonard (right), how seismic activity is monitored at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii.

Strengthening the Caribbean Tsunami Early Warning System
(January 2008)

USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance is supporting the development of an end-to-end early warning system for tsunamis and other coastal hazards in the Caribbean and adjacent regions. More...

Previous Articles:

January 2008:
USAID/OFDA Thanks Volunteer Firefighters in Peru for Their Assistance after Devastating Earthquake
Team Responds Quickly to Dominican Republic Flooding
Putting USAID/OFDA Training to the Test in Haiti
Helping Southern Mexico Respond to Massive Flooding

November 2007:
Universities in El Salvador Focus on Risk Management
New Course Aims to Improve Responses to Hazardous Materials Incidents

October 2007:
Bringing Relief Supplies to Nicaragua after Hurricane Felix
Helping Paraguay Extinguish a National Fire Emergency
Helping Peru Recover from a Devastating Earthquake
Helping Jamaica Prepare for Hurricane Dean


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Fri, 26 Sep 2008 13:13:32 -0500