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Disaster Assistance at a Glance

Recent Disaster Declarations:

OFDA Response:
Agriculture and food security, emergency relief supplies, health, shelter, water, sanitation, and hygiene

OFDA Preparedness:
Capacity building

Latest OFDA Report:
Bolivia Flood Fact Sheet #1 (89kb PDF)

Map of Bolivia

Most Recent Disaster Declaration:
Floods, 1-27-2008

From November 2007 to January 2008, heavy rains intensified, causing flooding in at least seven of Bolivia’s nine departments. According to the U.S. Embassy in La Paz and the Government of Bolivia (GOB), the floods and rains affected nearly 25,000 families, caused 30 deaths, and left 6 people missing by January 27, 2008. Rising water levels of the Ichilo and Grande rivers in Santa Cruz Department and the Bermejo River in Tarija Department obstructed roads, destroyed houses and crops, and led to evacuations in affected communities, according to the GOB.

On January 27, U.S. Ambassador Philip S. Goldberg requested USAID/OFDA assistance in response to the flooding. In response, USAID/OFDA provided $100,000 through USAID/Bolivia to the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) for the purchase and distribution of emergency relief supplies. As of January 30, 2008, a seven-person USAID/OFDA team was in Bolivia, working closely with USAID/Bolivia to assess humanitarian conditions, provide regular updates on affected areas, and coordinate assistance with the U.S. Embassy in La Paz and GOB officials.

Children in Bolivia gather after receiving USAID-funded relief supplies.
Children in Bolivia gather after receiving USAID-funded relief supplies.

Additional Disaster Declaration:
Floods, 01-22-2007

Heavy rains in December 2006 and January 2007 caused major rivers to overflow in Bolivia, affecting communities in eight of the country's nine departments. The flooding killed more than 54 people, temporarily displaced 25,000 people, and affected a total of nearly 450,000 people, according to the Government of Bolivia and the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. In addition, the heavy rainfall and resulting flooding caused landslides and road obstructions, isolating some rural communities. On January 20, the Government of Bolivia declared an emergency. By March 2007, floodwaters had begun to recede.

On January 22, U.S. Ambassador to Bolivia Philip S. Goldberg declared a disaster due to the effects of the flooding. In response, OFDA provided a total of nearly $850,000, including three airlifts of relief commodities to assist communities affected by the floods. OFDA's senior regional advisor, based in Costa Rica, and a Peru-based OFDA consultant traveled to Bolivia to conduct damage assessments in coordination with USAID/Bolivia and the Government of Bolivia. In addition, the U.S. Embassy in La Paz authorized aircraft based in-country with the anti-narcotics program to survey the affected area and deliver relief materials from a warehouse in Bolivia funded by the U.S. Southern Command's Humanitarian Assistance Program.

For information on additional USAID disaster responses in Bolivia, please see OFDA Annual Reports.

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Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:43:10 -0500