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Social Security Legislative Bulletin


December 21, 2001

Congress Completes Action on H.R. 3061, Making Appropriations
For the Departments of Labor, HHS and Education, FY 2002

On December 19, 2001, The House approved by a vote of 393-30 the Conference Report on H.R. 3061, the Labor, HHS and Education appropriations for FY 2002 (which includes SSA's appropriation). On December 20, 2001, the Senate passed the Conference Report by a vote of 90-7 and thereby cleared the measure for transmission to the President. The bill includes the following provisions of interest to SSA:

  • Provides that any previously appropriated funds unobligated as of the end of fiscal year 2001 are available to continue the evaluation of SSA's demonstration projects to promote Medicare buy-in programs

  • Provides--in the description of the conference agreement--that $7 million of the funds appropriated for the Supplemental Security Income program are to be used for outreach efforts under section 1144 of the Social Security Act to identify individuals who may be eligible for Medicare cost sharing under the Medicaid program.
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