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Social Security Legislative Bulletin


October 16, 2001

Committee on Ways and Means Approves H.R. 2768,
the Medicare Regulatory and Contract Reform Act of 2001

On October 11, 2001, the Committee on Ways and Means approved by voice vote and cleared (as amended) for floor action H.R. 2768, the Medicare Regulatory and Contract Reform Act of 2001. As reported by the committee, the bill includes the following provisions of interest to SSA.

Provider Appeals

Transfer of Administrative Law Judges from SSA to DHHS

  • Would require SSA and DHHS to develop a plan under which the functions of Administrative Law Judges responsible for Medicare cases will be transferred from SSA to DHHS to hear Medicare cases.
  • Would require SSA and DHHS to develop and implement this plan by October 1, 2003. Moreover, DHHS would be required to submit the terms of this plan to the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Finance of the Senate, and the Comptroller General by July 1, 2003. The Comptroller General would be required to submit to these committees a report evaluating this plan by September 1, 2003.

Beneficiary Outreach Demonstration Program

Medicare Specialists

  • Would require DHHS to create a Medicare specialist position. The Medicare specialist would provide assistance and advice to Medicare beneficiaries. These specialists would be located in local SSA offices. This demonstration project would last three years.
  • Effective upon enactment.

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