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Centers of Excellence for Teacher Training meet in Austin, Texas

USAID Assistant Administrator for the Latin American and Caribbean Bureau Adolfo Franco opened the proceedings of a Centers of Excellence for Teacher Training (CETT) conference with a message from the White House. USAID sponsored the BEPS-planned and –facilitated first All-Region CETT Networking Conference and Training Program from April 28 until May 2, 2003 in Austin, Texas. Creative Associates’ BEPS project carried out this workshop, which staff from the Caribbean, Central American, and South American CETTs attended, along with the CETT Consultative Committee made up of education experts from across the hemisphere. The education program officers from all of the involved USAID missions also participated in the workshop.

The first two days of the program provided all CETT member institutions with the opportunity to learn and exchange ideas related to regional practices for the teaching of reading, as well as increase awareness and understanding of instructional methodologies used in the U.S. and based on evidence-based research. The final three days of the workshop, led by the University of Texas-Austin, which has played an integral role as a CETT-supporting institution, will provide training to the participants, highlighting the key competencies in reading instruction.

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Wed, 18 Jun 2003 20:39:18 -0500