Subject: File No. S7-19-07
From: Charles A. Morgan

July 11, 2008

It is not Right to allow Stock brokers to steal from any Company by Failing to deliver on stocks that they short sell. That is Stealing money, If you or I did that we would be thrown in Jail faster than we could blink.. But you people let it happen all the time.. Please do notlet them get away with not delivering on the stocks that people Buy and hope to make a little money towards Retirement..

The stock Exchange gives them 13 days to cover, this is not right Please stop it totaly. make them cover any short buying on the same day that it happens...

I love my country but this is not right to let these people steal from companys that could turn out to be another Microsoft or a Boeings Co. or possible evean a new recourse to help cover our National Debt..some of these companys could have done just that except thay where put out of Buisness before they could do anything for this Great Country of ours...