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  • Sec.  60101. Definitions.
  • Sec.  60102. General authority.
  • Sec.  60103. Standards for liquefied natural gas pipeline facilities.
  • Sec.  60104. Requirements and limitations.
  • Sec.  60105. State pipeline safety program certifications.
  • Sec.  60106. State pipeline safety agreements.
  • Sec.  60107. State pipeline safety grants.
  • Sec.  60108. Inspection and maintenance.
  • Sec.  60109. High-density population areas and environmentally sensitive areas.
  • Sec.  60110. Excess flow valves.
  • Sec.  60111. Financial responsibility for liquefied natural gas facilities.
  • Sec.  60112. Pipeline facilities hazardous to life and property.
  • Sec.  60113. Customer-owned natural gas service lines.
  • Sec.  60114. One-call notification systems.
  • Sec.  60115. Technical safety standards committees.
  • Sec.  60116. Public education programs.
  • Sec.  60117. Administrative.
  • Sec.  60118. Compliance and waivers.
  • Sec.  60119. Judicial review.
  • Sec.  60120. Enforcement.
  • Sec.  60121. Actions by private persons.
  • Sec.  60122. Civil penalties.
  • Sec.  60123. Criminal penalties.
  • Sec.  60124. Biennial reports.
  • Sec.  60125. Authorization of appropriations.
  • Sec.  60126. Risk management.
  • Sec.  60127. Population encroachment.
  • Sec.  60128. Dumping within pipeline rights-of-way.
bwr rule

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(Last updated January 8, 2004)