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Visitor from India Hosted by the Woods Hole Science Center

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Dr. N. Satyavani
Above: Dr. N. Satyavani—"Vani"—aboard Debbie Hutchinson's sailboat off of Nobska Light, Woods Hole, MA. Photograph by Debbie Hutchinson.

For most of summer 2005, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Woods Hole Science Center hosted a postdoctoral investigator from Hyderabad, India, Dr. N. Satyavani. "Vani", as she is known, is a part of the growing gas-hydrates research community in India and came to broaden her expertise in the seismic interpretation of gas hydrates. She comes from the Gas Hydrate Research Group of the National Geophysical Research Institute in Hyderabad. For part of the summer, Vani worked with Debbie Hutchinson on seismic stratigraphy around the Keathley Canyon drill site in the Gulf of Mexico, using high-resolution seismic data collected in 2003 (see Sound Waves article, "Gas Hydrate in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Has Puzzling Characteristics and Could Pose a Hazard to Deep Drilling." This site is one of the few sites in the Gulf of Mexico where a bottom-simulating reflection (BSR) has been identified in the gulf. For the latter part of the summer, she worked with Uri ten Brink on interpreting ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) data, using a data set that she brought with her from the Indian Ocean. Because of a workshop held in Denver, Vani was also able to visit the USGS Energy Program offices, where she met with Myung Lee to discuss an Indian multichannel seismic profile that had an interesting polarity reversal similar to what one might see in a BSR. Good luck, Vani, on your return to Hyderabad!

Related Sound Waves Stories
Workshop on Integrating Modeling and USGS Laboratory Studies of Gas Hydrates
September 2005
Gas Hydrate in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Has Puzzling Characteristics and Could Pose a Hazard to Deep Drilling
July 2003

Related Web Sites
Woods Hole Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole, MA

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Woods Hole Science Center Hosts Visitor from India

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (JSS)